Digital Trust & Teamwork in Service Companies (DigVertr)
Funded by: Structural Funds EFRE (European Fund for Regional Development), Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture
Project duration: 01.05.2017 - 31.10.2019
Project leader:
Prof. Dr. Markus Launer
Project staff: Dirk Schneider, Stefanie Borsych
How is trust in the internet created? While trust and teamwork usually originate between people in person (gut feeling), trust today increasingly has to be built via digital media on the internet without personal interaction. While digital trust has been researtched with consumer behavior, there is a research gap in particular in at the workplace. For the district of Uelzen, a structurally weak region in the Lüneburg Heath, digital trust in particular is important. The region is currently expanding broadband coverage for fast Internet, promoting eHealth, building on e-mobility and promoting other digital projects. But all people have to be taken along and prepared for digitization.
The project promotes the economy of the region. Know-how providers such as Prof. Küpers from the Karlshochschule in Karlsruhe, Stefan Einstmann from the Bechtle AG in Karlsruhe, Stefan Dieffenbacher from Digital Leadership (Munich) and the Cyber Security Council e.V. in Berlin are supporting the project. In addition, a digitization working group was set up in Uelzen, in which all IT companies and departments of large companies in the region are involved. A scientific advisory board was set up to facilitate the connection to the region at the highest level. Heiko Blume and the mayor of Uelzen Jürgen Markward are involved (headed by Joachim Delekat). Data protection and IT security is ensured by Intersoft Consulting Services AG and the technical implementation of IT Verbund Uelzen. The individual projects involve numerous companies in the region such as MyCity Stadtwerke GmbH, the IT Verbund Uelzen, the trading company Expert GmbH and organizations such as the Ilmenau City Uelzen club or the Samtgemeinde Suderburg on their mayors Hoff and Schulz.
The topic is increasingly explored in science and practice, e.g. B. University of Münster and Dortmund and iConFi in Switzerland. Consulting firms such as PWC, CEC Europe and Bechtle are also researching this topic. The approach chosen here is unique. Not only is the interaction of man and machine investigated (study 1), but also the digital trust of companies within networked supply chains (institutional approach in study 2). In experiments with volunteers, individual sectors are then extensively researched (study 3) and the results implemented in the district of Uelzen. For the region of Uelzen know-how advantages are developed, which are used economically by the cooperation partners.