Master Degree Program Smart Systems (IST)

Technical Study Content

The master’s degree program encompasses two important subject areas in its technical focus: Power supply and future mobility; two closely related fields. Smart mobility concepts are relying on future expansion of electric mobility. This in turn is only sensible to implement with the environmental and economical promotion of energy transition.

With its orientation towards electric mobility and decentralized energy concepts, the masters degree course teaches students advanced skills that qualify them for innovative and demanding tasks within the field of new mobility concepts.

The degree course focuses on implementing systems of correlated complex functions. Courses also focus on enabling system-oriented thinking. This is of particular importance because aspects of system expertise are moving closer into the foreground. Companies are no longer supplying single components, but prefabricated subsystems, which, during continued development processes, will be assembled to increasingly complex complete systems.

The following lectures are part of the basic courses in the program:

  • Sensor Data Fusion
  • Architecture of Distributed Software Systems
  • Practicum Next Generation Networks
  • Wireless Networks and Systems
  • Automotive Electronics
  • Drive Systems for Electrical Vehicles
  • Decentralized Energy Systems and Electric Mobility
  • Regulation of Electrical Power Supply Networks
  • Smart Grids and Smart Metering
  • Systems Engineering
  • Practicum EMC
  • Design for Testability

Non-technical Course Content

The programs module “Management and Law” (Management und Recht) prepares students for a later occupation as a specialist or manager in large scale development projects. The main points are basic understanding of contract and company law, personnel management, instruction and leadership of work groups as well as extended planning and control in project management.

Technical Course Content

As highly qualified engineers and future leaders, graduates of our Master’s program will have significantly better abilities to acquire, deepen and present technical and non-technical content than typical graduates from Bachelor’s programs. We encourage and challenge you through research papers and oral presentations, through a semester project, the master thesis, as well as integration in the teaching of bachelor courses as a tutor or lab assistant.

The master thesis will be completed within one internship semester normally within the university (in exceptional cases, also in external companies) as well as abroad, if applicable. The masters thesis should deal with a topic from the practice oriented research. The thesis is graded from two staff members of the faculty of electrical engineering.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lilia Lajmi
Phone: 0049 + 5331 939-42640


Graduation: Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Duration of study: 7 Semester standard study period
Language of instruction: german
Beginning: in the summer and winter semester
Credit Points: 90

Study Regulations •  Examination Regulations•  Module catalogue •  Admission RegulationsAccreditation Certificate



Das Studium gliedert sich in einen Pflicht- und einen Wahlpflichtbereich.

  • Der Pflichtbereich besteht aus den Modulen
    • Management und Recht sowie
    • dem Interdisziplinären Wahlpflichtfach

Ergänzt wird der Pflichtteil durch ein Semesterprojekt und die Masterarbeit im dritten Semester.

  • Der Wahlpflichtbereich ist in vier Themenfelder aufgeteilt:
    • Smart Energy
    • Smart Engineering
    • Smart Mobility
    • Smart Systems

Diese Themenfelder bilden fachliche Schwerpunkte des Masterstudiengangs. Der Wahlpflichtbereich besteht aus 12 Modulen aus den oben genannten Themenbereichen. Hieraus sind Module mit einem Gesamtumfang von mindestens 35 LP von den Studierenden zu wählen.

Lehrveranstaltungen in deutscher Sprache.
Sichere Kenntnisse in technischem Englisch dringend empfohlen



1. bis 2. Semester: Vorlesungsbesuch aus dem Pflicht- und Wahlpflichtbereich
3. Semester: Praxisphase, Masterarbeit und Kolloquium

Die Regelstudienzeit des Masterstudiengangs IST beträgt drei Semester in Vollzeit, in denen insgesamt 90 ECTS-Leistungspunkte (LP) erworben werden. Ein Teilzeitmodell wird nicht angeboten.


Formal Admission Requirements

  • Above-average degree
  • Bachelor (or Diplom) degree course orientated towards electrical engineering or information technology at a German university with at least a 7 Semester period of study or at least 210 credit points (or another, at least equivalent degree course).
  • Missing credit points can possibly be added through additional tests in subjects from the Master’s program, determined on an individual basis by the examination board.
  • There is no limit for the actual length of previous studies
  • A very good knowledge of the German language is required for students from non-German speaking countries. A language certificate will be required, for example the “ Kleine Sprachdiplom” (corresponds to level C2) from the Goethe-Institute.


  • Secure knowledge of the basics of mathematics for engineers, and electrical engineering, basic knowledge of analogue and digital circuit theory.
  • Secure understanding of at least one high-level programing language, basic knowledge of software engineering
  • A good understanding of technical English is required
  • Ability to work independently under instruction
  • Working efficiently. The challenge level is higher than in Bachelor’s

Bewerbung / Zulassung

admission requirements:
Bachelor (or Diplom) Degree in an electrical or IT field at a german University with a standard study period of at least seven semesters or at least 210 credit points

application deadline:
July 15th (for the winter semester) and January 15th (for the summer semester)

Wie bewerben?
Eine Bewerbung für einen Studienplatz an der Ostfalia erfolgt über das Online-Verfahren. 
Das Portal zur Online-Bewerbung ist für Bewerbungen ab Mitte Mai (zum Wintersemester) bzw. Mitte November (zum Sommersemester) freigeschaltet.
Wichtige Informationen zur Bewerbung finden Sie auf den Seiten des Immatrikulationsbüros.

Fragen zum Bewerbungsverfahren, zu den Studienmöglichkeiten an der gesamten Ostfalia sowie weitere Fragen rund ums Studium beantwortet die Zentrale Studienberatung (ZSB)

Weitere Infos zum Bewerbungsverfahren

+49 (0) 5331 - 939 77770 

Wechselmöglichkeiten IMES->IST

Der neue Masterstudiengang Intelligente Systeme bietet eine Reihe neuer interessanter Fächer sowie mehr Wahloptionen als der alte Studiengang Intelligente Mobilität und Energiesysteme. Ein Studiengangswechsel vom alten in den neuen Studiengang ist daher für viele eine interessante Option.

Die Tabelle "Anerkennungsregelungen IMES / IST" definiert, in welcher Form bestandene Prüfungen aus dem Masterstudiengang IMES als Prüfungsleistungen im Masterstudiengang IST anerkannt werden können.

Am 14.07.2021 fand eine Infoveranstaltung statt, in der die Möglichkeiten zum Wechsel in den neuen Studiengang vorgestellt wurden. Die Aufzeichnung dieser Veranstaltung finden Sie unter stud.IP.

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