NachOs: University Transformation - Sustainable Ostfalia (NachOs: Hochschultransformation - Nachhaltige Ostfalia)


The core objective of the project NachOs: University Transformation - Sustainable Ostfalia (NachOs: Hochschultrasformation  Nachhaltige Ostfalia) is the development, adoption and publication of a sustainability strategy.

It should form the basis for establishing a consulting, decision-making and implementation structure at the university that links the previously unconnected activities in this regard in teaching, research, transfer, university operations and governance in the sense of a whole-institution approach, communicates these internally and externally and supports further development. A page with more comprehensive offers and information is in progress.

The specific goals of the project are based on the 17 SDGs of the United Nations. The project's funds will be used to finance personnel in particular, who will specifically support the prioritization, initiation and systematic implementation of the necessary processes which need to be changed.

Measures are envisaged in the areas of teaching and learning, research, development and transfer, university infrastructure and governance.


 The project:

  • Duration: 06/2023 - 05/2026
  • Project Management: Prof. Dr. Rosemarie Karger (President, Ostfalia University)
  • Project Budget: 801.059,60 €
  • Project funding: Land Niedersachsen as part of the funding programme "Spitzenforschung für Niedersachsen"

Team & Contact

Project Coordination - University Development and Communication:

Jesse Letter

Project management in Knowledge and Technology Transfer:

Kai Hillebrecht


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