Suderburger Working Papers ISSN 2198-9184
24th Working Paper: Analytical Framework for Recycling Behavior in Sustainability Projects
Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Normative Influence
Suderburg Working Paper DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12547.00809
23rd Working Paper: New Crushing Technologies for the Shredding of Printed Circuit Boards
(PCBs) in the Recycling of Electronic Waste
Suderburg Working Paper DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20935.61604
22nd Working Paper: An Overview of Shredding Processes for PCB Waste in the Recycling of
Electronic Waste
Suderburg Working Paper DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17580.17287
21st Working Paper: Recycling of Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) -
Literature Study and Case Study Quest Metals
Suderburg Working Paper DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28485.36325
20th Working Paper: Theory on three rational and nine intuitive Decision-Making Styles (12
Suderburg Working Paper DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33366.42568
19th Working Paper: Three rational and twelve intuitive Decision - Making Styles (15 types)
Suderburg Working Paper DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30838.37446
18th Working Paper: Pilot Study on Scale Development for measuring Intuition in Uelzen
Suderburg Working Paper DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36672.92164
17th Working Paper: Towards the development of a new Measurement Instrument for Intuition
(RHIA) - First Pilot Study for Scale Development measuring Intuition
Suderburg Working Paper DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29962.03528
16th Working Paper:
Success conditions for trust in artificial intelligence: First results of international
studies on intuition and trust in data protection practices
Suderburg Working Paper DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28541.37600
15th Working Paper: Documentation of questionnaire development for intuition research RHIA
Suderburg Working Paper
Arbeitspapier-Nr.15_Fragebogenentwicklung-RHIA (PDF)
14th Working Paper: Digitales Vertrauen in der Logistik, dem Groß- und Einzelhandel
Suderburg Working Paper
Arbeitspapier-Nr.14_Digitales_Vertrauen_in_der_Logistik (PDF) -
13th Working Paper: Conference Proceedings 5th Service-Management-Congress
Suderburg Working Paper
Arbeitspapier-Nr.13_Conference Proceedings (PDF)
12th Working Paper: An empirical analysis on trustworthy communication in corporate e-mails
Suderburg Working Paper
Arbeitspapier-Nr.12_EMails Vertrauen (PDF)
11th Working Paper: Conference Proceedings from 4th Service-Management-Kongress
Suderburg Working Paper
Arbeitspapier-Nr.11_Conference Proceedings vom 4. Service-Management-Kongress (PDF)
10th Working Paper: Rationality, Heuristics, Intuition, Gut Feelings & Anticipation
Suderburg Working Paper
Arbeitspapier-Nr.10_RHIA-Grundlagen-Literatur-theoret-Fundierung (PDF)
9th Working Paper: E-Learning at vocational schools
Suderburg Working Paper
Arbeitspapier Nr. 9_E-Learning an Berufsbildenden Schulen (PDF)
8th Working Paper: Digital Trust - Business to Business In Supply Chains
EU Research Project Digital Trust Study 2
Arbeitspapier-Nr.-8_Digitales-Vertrauen (PDF)
7th Working Paper: Digital Trust and Teamwork in companys
EU Research Project Digital Trust Study 1
Arbeitspapier-Nr.-7_Digitales-Vertrauen (PDF)
6th Working Paper: 3rd International Service Congress
Suderburg Working Papers for Trade & Logistics
Arbeitspapier-Nr.-6_3.Dienstleistungskongress (PDF)
5th Working Paper: E-Learning in international Companys
Suderburg Working Papers for Trade & Logistics
Arbeitspapier-Nr.-5_E-Learning-in-Unternehmen (PDF)
4th Working Paper: 2nd Service Songress
Suderburg Working Papers for Trade & Logistics
Arbeitspapier-Nr.-4_Digitales-Vertrauen-Symposium_2018 (PDF)
3rd Working Paper: Modern Services - Influencer Marketing
An Empirical Investigation of the Success Factors for Building Digital Trust
Arbeitspapier-Nr.-3_Influencer-Marketing (PDF)
2nd Working Paper: Operative Compliance-Management
A qualitative, empirical study at the department level following a 5 phase scheme
Arbeitspapier-Nr.-2_Operatives_Compliance-Management (PDF)
1st Working Paper: Derivation of definitions for trade-specific and trade-related as well
as and logistics-specific and logistics-related services
Suderburg Working Papers for Trade & Logistics
Arbeitspapier-Nr.-1_Ableitung_Dienstleistungsdefinitionen (PDF)