project: Lightweight and graded plastic material structures in industry 4.0 " Legra".
ERDF project: Lightweight and graduated material structures made of plastic in industry 4.0
"Legra" Within the framework of the ERDF project: Lightweight and graduated material structures
made of plastic in industry 4.0 "Legra", work is being carried out with inexpensive standard
plastics. These thermoplastics such as polypropylene (PP), acrylic butadiene styrene copolymer
(ABS) or polycarbonate (PC) are processed in a mass production process of injection molding. In
order to be able to specifically adjust the properties of a thermoplastic component in injection
molding and to be able to produce very light structures and components, research results in process
engineering and tooling technology are used here and further developed in line with applications.
Another aspect that should not be underestimated in the context of this project is that lightweight
materials should be more than just light. They will be tailored to their respective application and
provided with additional functions. Well-known examples are the insertion of structures or lines to
be conductively coated into injection molded parts in order to produce injection molded
interconnect devices. It is also conceivable that in the sense of a graded material, e.g. in a
component wall, the coefficient of thermal expansion of the material varies by varying the material
composition. The material then shows a different thermal expansion on one side than on the other
side. The setting of a defined electrical conductivity of a non-conductive plastic also reduces the
electrical chargeability. It enables the non-conductive plastic to be used in organic electronics
or optoelectronics.