Die Forschungsinteressen liegen im Bereich Datenanalyse / Data Mining, eine Liste von Publikationen finden Sie hier.

Best Paper Award für den Artikel "A subspace filter supporting the discovery of small clusters in very noisy datasets" auf der 26th Int. Conf. on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, Aalborg, Danmark

Best Refereed Technical Paper "Pattern Graphs: Combining Multivariate Time Series and Labelled Interval Sequences for Classification" auf der 33rd Annual Int. Conf. BCS SG on Artificial Intelligence
Mitgliedschaften in Programmkomitees
- ECML/PKDD - European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases
- DaWaK - International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery
- IDA - International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis