S. Freilinger, P. Bambul-Heck, O. Dewald, A. Eicken, P. Ewert, A. Freiberger, F. Harig, M. Huntgeburth, M. Lösch, H. Kaemmerer, F. Klawonn, C. Meierhofer, F. Mellert, M. Middeke, N. Nagdyman, R. Oberhoffer, F. von Scheidt, E. Ury, N. Wolfrum, A.-S. Kaemmerer, M.N. Suleiman: Artificial intelligence-based, non-invasive assessment of the central aortic pressure in adults after operative or interventional treatment of aortic coarctation. Open Heart 12:e003058, (2025), doi:10.1136/openhrt-2024-003058
C. Happle, K. Lürken, A. Meinecke, L.A. Manthey, A. Cossmann, M.V. Stankov, F. Klawonn, A. Zychlinsky Scharff, S. Steffens, A. Dopfer-Jablonka, F. Müller, G.M.N. Behrens, C. Happle: Impaired HBV and COVID-19 vaccination responses show strong concordance in hemodialysis patients with end stage renal disease. European Journal of Medical Research 30:24, (2025), doi: 10.1186/s40001-025-02274-3
M. Wallner, O.V. Müller, A.A. Gomez, I. Joost, U. Düker, F. Klawonn, R. Nogueira: A multivariate analysis to explain residue errors in pathogen concentration in wastewater-based epidemiology. Science of the Total Environment 959 (2025), 178149, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.178149
A. Al-Mekhlafi, S. Klawitter, F. Klawonn: Standardization with zlog values improves exploratory data analysis and machine learning for laboratory data. Journal of Laboratory Medicine 48(5), (2024), 215-222
L.E. Brauner, Y. Yao, L. Grigull, F. Klawonn: Patient-Oriented Questionnaires and Machine Learning for Rare Disease Diagnosis: A Systematic Review. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13(5123), (2024), doi: 10.3390/jcm13175132
M. Darguzyte, P. Antczak, D. Bachurski, P. Hoelker, N. Abedpour, R. Gholamipoorfard, H.A. Schlößer, K. Wennhold, M. Thelen, M.A. Garcia-Marquez, J. Koenig, A. Schneider, T. Braun, F. Klawonn, M. Damrat, M. Rahman, J.-M. Kleid, S.J. Theobald, E. Bauer, C. von Kaisenberg, S.R. Talbot, L.D. Shultz, B. Soper, R. Stripecke: Long-term human immune reconstitution, T cell development and immune reactivity in mice lacking the murine major histocompatibility complex: Validation with cellular and gene expression profiles. Cells 13(20), (2024), 1686, doi: 10.3390/cells13201686
S. Fetcu, T. Osawa, F. Klawonn, T. Schaeffer, C. Röhlig, H. Staehler, C. Di Padua, P.P. Heinisch, N. Piber, A. Hager, P. Ewert, J. Hörer, M. Ono: Longitudinal analysis of systemic ventricular function and atrioventricular valve function after the Norwood procedure. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 65(3) ezae058, (2024), doi: 10.1093/ejcts/ezae058
S. Freilinger, H. Kaemmerer, R.D. Pittrow, S. Achenbach, S. Baldus, O. Dewald, P. Ewert, A. Freiberger, M. Gorenflo, F. Harig, C. Hohmann, J. Hörer, M. Huntgeburth, M. Hübler, N. Kohls, R. Kozlik-Feldmann, R. Kaulitz, D. Loßnitzer, F. Mellert, N. Nagdyman, J. Nordmeyer, B.A. Pittrow, L.B. Pittrow, C. Rickers, S. Rosenkranz, J. Schelling, C. Sinning, M.N. Suleiman, Y. von Kodolitsch, F. von Scheidt, A.-S. Kaemmerer-Suleiman: PATHFINDER-CHD: Prospective Registry on Adults with Congenital Heart Disease, Abnormal Ventricular Function, and/or Heart Failure as a Foundation for Establishing Rehabilitative, Prehabilitative, Preventive, and Health-Promoting Measures: Rationale, Aims, Design and Methods. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 24:181, (2024), doi: 10.1186/s12872-024-03833-y
A. Grosskopf, J. Rahn, A. Kim, G. Szabó, D. Rujescu, F. Klawonn, A. Frolov, A. Simm: Peptide-bound glycative, AGE- and oxidative modifications as biomarkers for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease - a feasibility study. Biomedicines 12 (2024), 2127, doi: 10.3390/biomedicines12092127
R.-J.O. Heitmann, N. Soeffker, F. Klawonn, M.W. Ulmer, D.C. Mattfeld: Accelerating value function approximations for dynamic dial-a-ride problems via dimensionality reductions. Computers & Operations Research 167 (2024), 106639, doi: 10.1016/j.cor.2024.106639
G. Hoffmann, S. Klawitter, I. Trulson, J. Adler, S. Holdenrieder, F. Klawonn: A Novel Tool for the Rapid and Transparent Verification of Reference Intervals in Clinical Laboratories. Journal of Clinical Medicine 13(15), 4397, (2024), doi: 10.3390/jcm13154397
G. Hoffmann, F. Klawonn: At the crossroads between statistics and artificial intelligence: statistical learning in laboratory medicine. Journal of Laboratory Medicine 48(5), (2024), 195-196
L.C. Ibald, V. Witte, F. Klawonn, R. Conrad, M. Mücke, J. Sellin, M. Teschke: Suggestion of a new standard in measuring the mandible via MRI and an overview of reference values in young women. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 28, (2024), 373-383
F. Klawonn, G. Hoffmann: An objective function-based clustering algorithm with a closed-form solution and application to reference interval estimation in laboratory medicine. Algorithms 17(4), (2024), 143, doi: 10.3390/a17040143
F. Klawonn, G. Hoffmann, S. Holdenrieder, I. Trulson: reflimLOD: A Modified reflimR Approach for Estimating Reference Limits with Tolerance for Values Below the Lower Limit of Detection (LOD). Stats 7(4), (2024), 1296-1314
F. Klawonn, N. Riekeberg, G. Hoffmann: Importance and Uncertainty of λ-Estimation for Box-Cox Transformations to Compute and Verify Reference Intervals in Laboratory Medicine. Stats 7(1), (2024), 172-184
S.A. Krooss, I. Klefenz, M. Ott, F. Klawonn, D. Leitl, T. Schneeberger, I. Jarosch, C.F. Vogelmeier, M. Lommatzsch, R. Gloeckl, A.R. Koczulla: Bronchodilator response in Post-COVID-19 patients undergoing pulmonary rehabilitation. Respiration 103 (2024), 622-629
M. Mikuteit, S. Klawitter, D. Schröder, A. Stölting, K. Vahldiek, S. Heinemann, F. Müller, G.M.N. Behrens, F. Klawonn, A. Dopfer-Jablonka, S. Steffens: Cluster analysis of long COVID symptoms for deciphering a syndrome and its long-term consequence. Immunologic Research 72, (2024), 605-613
C. Müllenmeister, A. Stoelting, D. Schröder, T. Schmachtenberg, S. Ritter, I. El-Sayed, S. Steffens, F. Klawonn, S. Klawitter, S. Homann, M. Mikuteit, C. Berg, G. Behrens, E. Hummers, A. Cook, F. Müller, A. Dopfer-Jablonka, C. Happle: Evaluating Feasibility, Acceptance and Beneficial Effects of Online Occupational Therapy in Post COVID-19 Condition: ErgoLoCo Study Protocol. JMIR Research Protocols 13:e50230, (2024), doi: 10.2196/50230
A.K. Mundorf, A. Semmler, H. Heidecke, M. Schott, S. Falk, S. Bittner, K.J. Lackner, K. Schulze-Bosse, M. Pawlitzki, S.G. Meuth, F. Klawonn, J. Ruhrländer, F. Boege: Clinical and Diagnostic Features of Post-Acute COVID-19 Vaccination Syndrome (PACVS). Vaccines 12(7), 790 (2024), doi: 10.3390/vaccines12070790
F. Neu, S. Nay, S. Schuchardt, F. Klawonn, T. Skripuletz, K.-W. Sühs, F. Pessler: Targeted metabolomics identifies accurate CSF metabolite biomarkers for the differentiation between COVID-19 with neurological involvement and CNS infections with neurotropic viral pathogens. Journal of Translational Medicine 22:620 (2024), doi: 10.1186/s12967-024-05422-1
A.G. Oostlander, L. Brodde, M. von Bargen, B. Slippers, Y. Becker, U. Brandt, F. Klawonn, C. Grobler, L. Well, J. Stenlid, J. Oliva, M. Elfstrand, A. Fleißner: Development of a molecular genetics and cell biology toolbox for the filamentous fungus Diplodia sapinea. PLoS ONE 19(12), (2024), e0308794, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0308794
J. Palm, M. Ono, C. Niedermaier, J. Hörer, G. Hoffmann, S. Holdenrieder, F. Klawonn, P. Ewert: Quantification of ventricular stress in univentricular hearts during early childhood using age-independent zlog-NT-proBNP. International Journal of Cardiology 406, (2024), 131983, doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2024.131983
A. Reitze, M. Voigt, F. Klawonn, M. Dusch, L. Grigull, U. Mücke: Impact of virtual reality on peri-interventional pain, anxiety and distress in a pediatric oncology outpatient clinic: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics 24 (2024), 501, doi: 10.1186/s12887-024-04952-3
A. Röhrl, F. Klawonn, B. Füchtmeier, C. Wulbrand, A. Gessner, J. Zustin, A. Ambrosch: Results of a monocentric field study: value of histology compared to sonication method and conventional tissue culture in the diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infection (PJI). Infection 52 (2024), 2287-2296
D. Schröder, S. Heinemann, G. Heesen, E. Hummers, T. Schmachtenberg, A. Dopfer-Jablonka, K. Vahldiek, F. Klawonn, S. Klawitter, S. Steffens, M. Mikuteit, J. Niewolik, F. Müller: Association of Long COVID with health-related Quality of Life and Social Participation in Germany: Finding from an online-based cross-sectional survey. Heliyon 10(4), (2024), e26130, doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e26130
D. Schröder, T. Schmachtenberg, S. Heinemann, C. Müllenmeister, S. Roder, I. El-Sayed, G. Heesen, G. Königs, A. Dopfer-Jablonka, E. Hummers, M. Mikuteit, C. Dopfer, S. Grewendorf, J. Niewolik, S. Steffens, V. Doze, F. Klawonn, F. Müller: Parenting and Gender as Impact Factors for Social Participation, Quality of Life, and Mental Health in Long COVID. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health 15 (2024), doi: 10.1177/21501319241255592
I. Trulson, F. Klawonn, S. Holdenrieder, G. Hoffmann: Praktische Herausforderungen beim maschinellen Lernen: Auf die Datenaufbereitung kommt es an. Trillium Diagnostik 22(1), (2024), 55-57
I. Trulson, F. Klawonn, J. von Pawel, S. Holdenrieder: Improvement of differential diagnosis of lung cancer by use of multiple protein tumor marker combinations. Tumor Biology 46, (2024), S81-S98
K. Vahldiek, F. Klawonn: Cluster-centered visualization techniques for fuzzy clustering results to judge single clusters. Applied Sciences 14, (2024), 1102, doi: 10.3390/app14031102
Y. Yao, Y. Zhu, R. Nogueira, F. Klawonn, M. Wallner: Optimal selection of sampling points within sewer networks for wastewater-based epidemiology applications. Methods and Protocols 7(1), (2024), 6, doi: 10.3390/mps7010006
K. Lehn, M. Gotzes, F. Klawonn: Introduction to Computer Graphics: Using OpenGL and Java (3rd ed.). Springer, Cham (2023)
A. Al-Mekhlafi, F. Klawonn: HiPerMAb: a tool for judging the potential of small sample size biomarker pilot studies. The International Journal of Biostatistics 20(1), (2023), 157-167
A. Al-Mekhlafi, F.H. Waqas, M. Krueger, F. Klawonn, M.K. Akmatov, K. Müller-Vahl, C. Trebst, T. Skripuletz, M. Stangel, K.-W. Sühs, F. Pessler: Elevated phospholipids and acylcarnitines C4 and C5 in cerebrospinal fluid distinguish viral CNS infections from autoimmune neuroinflammation. Journal of Translational Medicine 21:776 (2023), doi: 10.1186/s12967-023-04637-y
A. Ambrosch, D. Luber, F. Klawonn, M. Kabesch: Severe infections with the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in adults compared to SARS-Cov-2 and Influenza A/B: monocentric data from four consecutive seasons. Journal of Clinical Virology 161: 105399 (2023), doi: 10.1016/j.jcv.2023.105399
W. Bi, A. Kraft, S. Engelskircher, J. Mischke, M. Witte, F. Klawonn, M. van Ham, M. Cornberg, H. Wedemeyer, J. Hengst, L. Jänsch: Proteomics reveals a global phenotypic shift of NK cells in HCV patients treated with direct-acting antivirals. European Journal of Immunology 53(11), (2023):e2250291, doi: 10.1002/eji.202250291
V. Dahmen, P.P. Heinisch, H. Staehler, T. Schaeffer, M. Burri, C. Röhlig, F. Klawonn, A. Hager, P. Ewert, J. Hörer, M. Ono: Longitudinal analysis of systemic ventricular function and atrioventricular valve function after the Fontan procedure. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 63(6), (2023), ezad078, doi: 10.1093/ejcts/ezad078
K. Dorman, M. Gerckens, S. Kruger, K. Krueger, Z. Mayer, A. Rupp, D. Zhang, L. Weiss, C.B. Westphalen, M. Haas, M. Guenther, S. Ormanns, F. Klawonn, J. Werner, M. von Bergwelt-Baildon, V. Heinemann, S. Boeck, S. Holdenrieder: Serum biomarker panel diagnostics in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: the clinical utility of soluble interleukins, IFN-γ, TNF-α and PD-1/PD-L1 in comparison to established serum tumor markers. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 149 (2023), 2463-2474
D. Emmert, N. Szczypien, T.T.A. Bender, L. Grigull, A. Gass, C. Link, F. Klawonn, R. Conrad, M. Mücke, J. Sellin: A diagnostic support system based on pain drawings: binary and k-disease classification of EDS, GBS, FSHD, PROMM, and a control group with Pain2D. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 18:70 (2023), doi: 10.1186/s13023-023-02663-z
M. Fleischhacker, E. Arslan, D. Reinicke, S. Eisenmann, G. Theil, J. Kollmeier, C. Schäper, C. Grah, F. Klawonn, S. Holdenrieder, B. Schmidt: Cell-Free Methylated PTGER4 and SHOX2 Plasma DNA as a Biomarker for Therapy Monitoring and Prognosis in Advanced Stage NSCLC Patients. Diagnostics 13(13), 2131 (2023), doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13132131
T. Haeder, G.J. Molderings, F. Klawonn, R. Conrad, M.G. Mücke, J. Sellin: Cluster-analytic identification of clinically meaningful subtypes in MCAS: The relevance of heat and cold. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 68 (2023), 3400–3412
G. Hoffmann, F. Klawonn: Applied biostatistics in laboratory medicine. Journal of Laboratory Medicine 47(4), (2023), 141-142
G. Hoffmann, F. Klawonn: Graphische Darstellung von Überlebenszeitanalysen. Trillium Krebsmedizin 32(1), (2023), 45-48
G. Hoffmann, F. Klawonn: Real World Data - eine wichtige Ergänzung klinischer Studien. Trillium Krebsmedizin 32(2), (2023), 107-110
G. Hoffmann, F. Klawonn: Der Vorhersagewert von Krebsfrüherkennungstests. Trillium Krebsmedizin 32(3), (2023), 183-186
J. Jakob, A. Kröger, F. Klawonn, D. Bruder, L. Jänsch: Translatome analyses by bio-orthogonal non-canonical amino acid labeling reveal that MR1-activated MAIT cells induce an M1 phenotype and antiviral programming in antigen-presenting monocytes. Frontiers in Immunology 14 (2023), doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1091837
S. Klawitter, F. Klawonn, G. Hoffmann: Referenzintervalle bei Kindern: Wenn Tabellen an ihre Grenzen stoßen. Trillium Diagnostik 21(1), (2023), 61-63
L. Klemm, F. Klawonn, C. Röhlig, T. Schaeffer, H. Staehler, P.P. Heinisch, N. Piber, A. Hager, P. Ewert, J. Hörer, M. Ono: Impact of pulsatile pulmonary blood flow on cardiopulmonary exercise performance after the Fontan procedure. JTCVS Open 16 (2023), 811-822
M. Mikuteit, S. Baskal, S. Klawitter, A. Dopfer-Jablonka, G.M.N. Behrens, F. Müller, D. Schröder, F. Klawonn, S. Steffens, D. Tsikas: Amino acids, post-translational modifications, nitric oxide, and oxidative stress in serum and urine of long COVID and ex COVID human subjects. Amino Acids 55(9), (2023), 1173-1188
W. Oldekop, G. Oldekop, K. Vahldiek, F. Klawonn, U. Rinas: Counting young birds: a simple tool for the determination of avian population parameters. PLOS One 18(2):e0279899 (2023), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0279899
D. Schröder, C. Müllenmeister, S. Heinemann, E. Hummers, F. Klawonn, K. Vahldiek, A. Dopfer-Jablonka, S. Steffens, M. Mikuteit, J. Niewolik, T.R. Overbeck, J. Kallusky, G. Königs, G. Heesen, T. Schmachtenberg, F. Müller: Social participation during the COVID-19 pandemic in persons with a high risk for a severe course of COVID-19 – results of a longitudinal, multi-center observational study in Germany. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine 11:1 (2023), doi: 10.1080/21642850.2023.2249534
D. Schröder, F. Müller, G. Heesen, E. Hummers, A. Dopfer-Jablonka, K. Vahldiek, F. Klawonn, S. Steffens, M. Mikuteit, J. Niewolik, S. Heinemann: Feasibility of self-organized blood sample collection in adults for study purposes in a primary care setting. PLoS One 18(5), (2023), e0286014, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286014
L. Schröder, M.R. Mallmann, C.M. Domröse, N. Wefers, R. Dolscheid-Pommerich, B. Stoffel-Wagner, I. Trulson, K. Vahldiek, F. Klawonn, S. Holdenrieder: Method comparison and clinical performance of breast cancer tumor markers on novel multiplex immunoassay and automatized LOCI technology platforms. Diagnostics 13(19), (2023), 3101, doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13193101
K.S. Singh, D. Paula, A. Gupta, D. Dhotre, F. Klawonn, Y. Shouche: Indian sewage microbiome has unique community characteristics and potential for population-level disease predictions. Science of The Total Environment 858, Part 3, (2023), 160178, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.160178
N. Szczypien, Z. Ruchay, Z. Ruchay, S.V. Müller, C. Kaiser, F. Klawonn: Sex-specific differences in pain localization in female patients with endometriosis: A comparison of sexless and female human body outlines. Brain and Behavior 13, (2023), e3285
I.M. Trulson, J. Stahl, S. Margraf, M. Scholz, E. Höcherl, K. Wolf, J. Durner, F. Klawonn, S. Holdenrieder: Cell-free DNA in plasma and serum indicates disease severity and prognosis in trauma patients. Diagnostics 13(6), (2023), 1150, doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13061150
X. Zhang, T. Wang, X. Zhu, Y. Lu, M. Li, Z. Huang, D. Han, L. Zhang, Y. Wu, L. Li, F. Klawonn, R. Stripecke: GMP development and preclinical validation of CAR-T cells targeting the Epstein-Barr virus gp350 envelope protein for immunotherapy of EBV-associated malignancies. Frontiers in Immunology 14:1103695 (2023), doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1103695
F. Klawonn, G. Hoffmann: Using Fuzzy Cluster Analysis to Find Interesting Clusters. In: L.A. Garcia-Escudero, A. Gordaliza, A. Mayo, M. Asuncion Lubiano Gomez, M. Angeles Gil, P. Grzegorzewski, O. Hryniewicz (eds.): Building Bridges between Soft and Statistical Methodologies for Data Science. Springer, Cham (2023), 231-239
K. Lehn, M. Gotzes, F. Klawonn: Grundlagen der Computergrafik: Eine Einführung mit OpenGL und Java (4. Aufl.). Springer, Wiesbaden (2022)
A. Al-Mekhlafi, T. Becker, F. Klawonn: Sample size and performance estimation for biomarker combinations based on pilot studies with small sample sizes. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 51(16), (2022), 5534-5548
A. Ambrosch, D. Luber, F. Klawonn, M. Kabesch: A strict mask policy for hospital staff effectively prevents from nosocomial influenza infections and mortality: monocentric data from five consecutive influenza seasons. Journal of Hospital Infection 121 (2022), 82-90
M.Z. Chaudhry, K. Eschke, M. Hoffmann, M. Grashoff, L. Abassi, Y. Kim, L. Brunotte, S. Ludwig, A. Kröger, F. Klawonn, S.H. Pöhlmann, L. Cicin-Sain, T. Gallagher: Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Adaptation to Available Cellular Proteases. Journal of Virology 96(5), (2022), e02186-21, doi: 10.1128/jvi.02186-21
C.V. Degen, M. Mikuteit, J. Niewolik, T. Joosten, D. Schröder, K. Vahldiek, U. Mücke, S. Heinemann, F. Müller, G.M.N. Behrens, F. Klawonn, T. Lenarz, A. Dopfer-Jablonka, S. Steffens: Audiological profile of adult Long COVID patients. American Journal of Otolaryngology 43(5), (2022), 103579, doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2022.103579
C.V. Degen, M. Mikuteit, J. Niewolik, D. Schröder, K. Vahldiek, U. Mücke, S. Heinemann, F. Müller, G.M.N. Behrens, F. Klawonn, A. Dopfer-Jablonka, S. Steffens: Self-reported tinnitus and vertigo or dizziness in a cohort of adult Long COVID patients. Frontiers in Neurology 13 (2022), Article 884002, doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.884002
A. Dopfer-Jablonka, S. Steffens, F. Müller, M. Mikuteit, J. Niewolik, A. Cossmann, M.V. Stankov, G.M.N. Behrens, E. Hummers, G. Heesen, D. Schröder, S. Roder, F. Klawonn, K. Vahldiek, J. Hasenkamp, J. Kallusky, C.S. Falk, T.R. Overbeck, S. Heinemann: SARS-CoV-2-specific immune responses in elderly and immunosuppressed participants and patients with hematologic disease or checkpoint inhibition in solid tumors: study protocol of the prospective, observational CoCo Immune Study. BMC Infectious Diseases 22:403 (2022), doi: 10.1186/s12879-022-07347-w
G. Heesen, S. Heinemann, F. Müller, A. Dopfer-Jablonka, M. Mikuteit, J. Niewolik, F. Klawonn, K. Vahldiek, E. Hummers, D. Schröder: Social participation and mental health of immunocompromised individuals before and after COVID-19 vaccination - Results of a longitudinal observational study over three time points. Frontiers in Psychiatry 13:1080106 (2022), doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.1080106
G. Heesen, D. Schröder, F. Müller, E. Hummers, F. Klawonn, M. Mikuteit, J. Niewolik, S. Steffens, A. Cossmann, G. Behrens, A. Dopfer-Jablonka, S. Heinemann: The impact of COVID-19 vaccination on the social participation of immunocompromised persons - Results of a multicenter observational study. Frontiers in Public Health 10 (2022), doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.877623
G. Hoffmann, F. Klawonn: Überprüfung von Referenzintervallen: Schnelle Orientierung. Trillium Diagnostik 20(2), (2022), 102-104
G. Hoffmann, F. Klawonn: Konfidenzintervalle. Trillium Krebsmedizin 31(8), (2022), 511-513
S. Klawitter, G. Hoffmann, S. Holdenrieder, T. Kacprowski, F. Klawonn: A zlog-based algorithm and tool for plausibility checks of reference intervals. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 61(2), (2022), 260-265
F. Klawonn: Editorial: Making an impact. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 29(1), (2022), 1-2
F. Klawonn, G. Hoffmann: p-Wert und statistische Signifikanz. Trillium Krebsmedizin 31(5), (2022), 343-346
F. Klawonn, G. Hoffmann: Odds Ratio und Hazard Ratio. Trillium Krebsmedizin 31(6/7), (2022), 431-434
M. Mikuteit, S. Heinemann, S. Roder, J. Niewolik, D. Schröder, K. Vahldiek, S. Klawitter, A. Cossmann, T. Bergemann, C. Degen, F. Klawonn, G.M.N. Behrens, F. Müller, A. Dopfer-Jablonka, S. Steffens: Long-term Consequences of COVID-19 and the Pandemic: Protocol for a Web-Based, Longitudinal Observational Study (DEFEAT). Journal of Medical Internet Research: Research Protocols 11(10):e38718, (2022), doi: 10.2196/38718
M. Özçürümez, M. Hahn, H. Nowak, F. Klawonn, F. Arzideh: Big Data Science im Zentrallabor? Krankenhausinformationssystem-Massendaten wissenschaftlich nutzbar machen. GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift 11–12 (2022), 32-35
N. Piber, M. Ono, J. Palm, T. Kido, M. Burri, C. Röhlig, M. Strbad, J. Cleuziou, J. Lemmer, D. Dilber, F. Klawonn, P. Ewert, A. Hager, J. Hörer: Influence of shunt type on survival and right heart function after the Norwood procedure for aortic atresia. Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 34(4), (2022), 1300-1310
D. Schröder, S. Heinemann, G. Heesen, F. Klawonn, M. Mikuteit, J. Niewolik, S. Steffens, G. Behrens, A. Jablonka, F. Müller: Who is pausing immunosuppressive medication for COVID-19 vaccination? Results of an exploratory observational trial. European Journal of Medical Research 27 (2022), 97, doi: 10.1186/s40001-022-00727-7
K. Vahldiek, B. Rüger, F. Klawonn: Optimal Sensor Placement and Influence of Noise on Pressure Wave Evaluation for Leakage Localization in a District Heating Network. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 30 (2022), 100672, doi: 10.1016/j.segan.2022.100672
K. Vahldiek, B. Rüger, F. Klawonn: Leakages in District Heating Networks - Model Based Data Set Quality Assessment and Localization. Sensors 22 (2022), 5300, doi: 10.3390/s22145300
K. Vahldiek, Y. Yao, B. Rüger, F. Klawonn: Application and Optimization of Algorithms for Pressure Wave Evaluation Based on Measurement Data. Applied Sciences 12 (2022), 4192, doi: 10.3390/app12094192
S. May, N. Szczypien, K. Vahldiek, F. Klawonn: Die Rolle Künstlicher Intelligenz in Assistiven Technologien. In: E.-W. Luthe, S.V. Müller, I. Schiering (eds.): Assistive Technologien im Sozial- und Gesundheitssektor. Springer, Wiesbaden (2022), 51-77
A. Al-Mekhlafi, K.-W. Suehs, S. Schuchardt, M. Kuhn, K. Müller-Vahl, C. Trebst, T. Skripuletz, F. Klawonn, M. Stangel, F. Pessler: Elevated free phosphatidylcholine levels in cerebrospinal fluid distinguish bacterial from viral CNS infections. Cells (2021), 10(5), 1115, doi: 10.3390/cells10051115
D. Bankwitz, A. Bahai, M. Labuhn, M. Doepke, C. Ginkel, T. Khera, D. Todt, L.J. Stroeh, L. Dold, F. Klein, F. Klawonn, T. Krey, P. Behrendt, M. Cornberg, A.C. McHardy, T. Pietschmann: Hepatitis C reference viruses highlight potent antibody responses and diverse viral functional interactions with neutralizing antibodies. Gut 70(9), (2021), 1734-1745
T. Finkenzeller, S. Lenhart, M. Reinwald, S. Lueth, L.M. Dendl, K. Scheibl, C. Paetzel, N. Szczypien, F. Klawonn, A. von Meyer, A.G. Schreyer: Berufsbedingtes Risiko radiologischer Mitarbeiter für eine COVID-19-Infektion in einer Hoch- und Niedrigrisiko-Region in Deutschland: Lehren aus der "ersten Welle" (Risk for radiological staff for occupational COVID-19-infection in a high- and low-risk region in Germany: lessons from the "first wave"). RöFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren 193 (2021), 513–520
A. Fritz, A. Bremges, Z.-L. Deng, T.-R. Lesker, J. Götting, T. Ganzenmüller, A. Sczyrba, A. Dilthey, F. Klawonn, A.C. McHardy: Haploflow: Strain-resolved de novo assembly of viral genomes. Genome Biology 22:212, (2021), doi: 10.1186/s13059-021-02426-8
S. Kleine Bardenhorst, T. Berger, F. Klawonn, M. Vital, A. Karch, N. Rübsamen: Data analysis strategies for microbiome studies in human populations - a systematic review of current practice. mSystems 6(1), (2021), doi: 10.1128/mSystems.01154-20
S. Kumar, J. Koenig, A. Schneider, F. Wermeling, S. Boddul, S.J. Theobald, M. Vollmer, D. Kloos, N. Lachmann, F. Klawonn, S. Lienenklaus, S.R. Talbot, A. Bleich, N. Wenzel, C. von Kaisenberg, J. Keck, R. Stripecke: In Vivo Lentiviral Gene Delivery of HLA-DR and Vaccination of Humanized Mice for Improving the Human T and B Cell Immune Reconstitution. Biomedicines (2021), 9(8):961, doi: 10.3390/biomedicines9080961
Z. Li, R. Geffers, G. Jain, F. Klawonn, Ö. Kökpinar, M. Nimtz, W. Schmidt-Heck, U. Rinas: Transcriptional network analysis identifies key elements governing the recombinant protein production provoked reprogramming of carbon and energy metabolism in Escherichia Coli BL21 (DE3). Engineering Reports 3(9), (2021), e12393, doi: 10.1002/eng2.12393
I. Marquardt, J. Jakob, J. Scheibel, J.D. Hofmann, F. Klawonn, M. Neumann-Schaal, R. Gerhard, D. Bruder, L. Jänsch: Clostridioides difficile toxin CDT induces cytotoxic responses in human mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells. Frontiers in Microbiology 12, (2021), doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.752549
F.K.-D. Noering, K. Jonas, F. Klawonn: Improving discretization based pattern discovery for multivariate time series by additional preprocessing. Intelligent Data Analysis 25(5), (2021), 1051-1072
F.K.-D. Noering, Y. Schroeder, K. Jonas, F. Klawonn: Pattern Discovery in Time Series Using Autoencoder in Comparison to Nonlearning Approaches. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 28(3), (2021), 221-235, doi: 10.3233/ICA-210650
J. Palm, S. Holdenrieder, G. Hoffmann, J. Hörer, R. Shi, F. Klawonn, P. Ewert: Predicting Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Children With Age-Adjusted NT-proBNP. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 78(19), (2021), 1890–1900
M. Schenke, H.-C. Prause, W. Bergforth, A. Przykopanski, A. Rummel, F. Klawonn, B. Seeger: Human-Relevant Sensitivity of iPSC-Derived Human Motor Neurons to BoNT/A1 and B1. Toxins 13(8), 585 (2021), doi: 10.3390/toxins13080585
S. Schulz, S. Reichert, J. Grollmitz, L. Friebe, M. Kohnert, B. Hofmann, H.-G. Schaller, F. Klawonn, R. Shi: The role of Saccharibacteria (TM7) in the subginival microbiome as a predictor for secondary cardiovascular events. International Journal of Cardiology 331 (2021), 255-261
P. Sörös, L. Wölk, C. Bantel, A. Bräuer, F. Klawonn, K. Witt: Replicability, Repeatability, and Long-term Reproducibility of Cerebellar Morphometry. The Cerebellum 20 (2021), 439-453
M. Thiaucourt, C. Gerhards, M. Kittel, V. Ast, N. Santhanam, F. Klawonn, M. Hetjens, V. Costina, M. Neumaier, V. Haselmann: SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Testing - How to Increase the Positive Predictive Value. Clinical Laboratory 6(12), (2021), doi: 10.7754/Clin.Lab.2021.210311
K. Vahldiek, J. Koltermann, D. Pierl, B. Rüger, A. Nürnberger, K. Michels, F. Klawonn: Leakage Localization in District Heating Networks Based on Real Network and Measurement Data. Energy Reports 7 (2021), 508-516
K. Vahldiek, B. Rüger, D. Pierl, F. Klawonn: Optimal Sensor Placement for Pressure Wave Detection for Leakage Localization in a District Heating Network. Energy Reports 7 (2021), 499-507
K. Vahldiek, L. Zhou, W. Zhu, F. Klawonn: Development of a Data Generator for Multivariate Numerical Data with Arbitrary Correlations and Distributions. Intelligent Data Analysis 25(4), (2021), 789-807
V. Volk, S.J. Theobald, S. Danisch, S. Khailaie, M. Kalbarczyk, A. Schneider, J. Bialek-Waldmann, N. Krönke, Y. Deng, B. Eiz-Vesper, A.C. Dragon, C. von Kaisenberg, S. Lienenklaus, A. Bleich, J. Keck, M. Meyer-Hermann, F. Klawonn, W. Hammerschmidt, H.-J. Delecluse, C. Muenz, F. Feuerhake, R. Stripecke: PD-1 blockade aggravates Epstein-Barr Virus+ PTLD in humanized mice resulting in central nervous system involvement and CD4+ T cell dysregulations. Frontiers in Oncology 10, (2021), doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.614876
H. Wang, N. Beier, C. Boedeker, H. Sztajer, P. Henke, M. Neumann-Schaal, J. Mansky, M. Rohde, J. Overmann, J. Petersen, F. Klawonn, M. Kucklick, S. Engelmann, J. Tomasch, I. Wagner-Döbler: Dinoroseobacter shibae Outer Membrane Vesicles Are Enriched for the Chromosome Dimer Resolution Site dif. mSystems 6(1), (2021), doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00693-20
M.R. Berthold, C. Borgelt, F. Höppner, F. Klawonn, R. Silipo: Guide to Intelligent Data Science: How to Intelligently Make Use of Real Data. Springer, London (2020)
A. Ambrosch, F. Rockmann, F. Klawonn, B. Lampl: Effect of a strict hygiene bundle for the prevention of nosocomial transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the hospital: a practical approach from the field. Journal of Infection and Public Health 13 (12), (2020), 1862-1867
L.S. de Araujo, K. Pessler, K.-W. Sühs, N. Novoselova, F. Klawonn, M. Kuhn, V. Kaever, K. Müller-Vahl, C. Trebst, T. Skripuletz, M. Stangel, F. Pessler: Phosphatidylcholine PC ae C44:6 in cerebrospinal fluid is a sensitive biomarker for bacterial meningitis. Journal of Translational Medicine 18:9, (2020)
M.A.L. Böning, S. Trittel, P. Riese, M. van Ham, M. Heyner, M. Voss, G.P. Parzmair, F. Klawonn, A. Jeron, C.A. Guzman, L. Jänsch, B. Schraven, A. Reinhold, D. Bruder: ADAP promotes degranulation and migration of NK cells primed during in vivo Listeria monocytogenes infection in mice. Frontiers in Immunology 10, Article 3144, (2020), doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.03144
T. Finkenzeller, A. Faltlhauser, K.-H. Dietl, C. Paetzel, N. Szczypien, F. Klawonn, K.-F. Bodmann, A. von Meyer: SARS-CoV-2-Antikörper bei Intensiv- und Klinikpersonal aus der am höchsten durchseuchten Region Deutschlands. Medizinische Klinik - Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin 115 (2020), 139-145
M. Frentrup, Z. Zhou, M. Steglich, J.P. Meier-Kolthoff, M. Göker, T. Riedel, B. Bunk, C. Spröer, J. Overmann, M. Blaschitz, A. Indra, L. von Müller, T.A. Kohl, S. Niemann, C. Seyboldt, F. Klawonn, N. Kumar, T.D. Lawley, S. Garcia-Fernandez, R. Canton, R. del Campo, O. Zimmermann, U. Groß, M. Achtman, U. Nübel: A publicly accessible database for Clostridioides difficile genome sequences supports tracing of transmission chains and epidemics. Microbial Genomics (2020), doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000410
V. Haselmann, M.K. Özcürümez, F. Klawonn, V. Ast, C. Gerhards, R. Eichner, V. Costina, G. Dobler, W.-J. Geilenkeuser, R. Wölfel, M. Neumaier: Results of the first pilot external quality assessment (EQA) scheme for anti-SARS-CoV2-antibody testing. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 58(12), (2020), 2121-2130
G. Hoffmann, F. Klawonn, S. Holdenrieder: Referenzintervall-Überprüfung: Ein Konzept wird
Trillium Diagnostik 18(1) (2020), 14-17
F. Klawonn, M. Orth, G. Hoffmann: Quantitative Laboratory Results: Normal or Lognormal
Journal of Laboratory Medicine 44(3) (2020), 143-150
L. Kühnle, U. Mücke, W.M. Lechner, F. Klawonn, L. Grigull: A Social Network for people without a diagnosis: Sketching, prototyping and evaluation of RarePairs. Journal of Medical Internet Research 22(9):e21849, (2020), doi: 10.2196/21849
J. Palm, G. Hoffmann, F. Klawonn, O. Tutarel, H. Palm, S. Holdenrieder, P. Ewert: Continuous, complete and comparable NT-proBNP reference ranges in healthy children. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 58(9), (2020), 1509-1516, doi: 10.1515/cclm-2019-1185
P. Riese, S. Trittel, R.D. Pathirana, F. Klawonn, R.J. Cox, C.A. Guzman: Responsiveness to influenza vaccination correlates with NKG2C-expression on NK cells. Vaccines 8(2), 281 (2020), doi: 10.3390/vaccines8020281
C. Slabik, M. Kalbarczyk S. Danisch, R. Zeidler, F. Klawonn, V. Volk, N. Krönke, F. Feuerhake, C. Ferreira de Figueiredo, R. Blasczyk, H. Olbrich, S.J. Theobald, A. Schneider, A. Ganser, C. von Kaisenberg, S. Lienenklaus, A. Bleich, W. Hammerschmidt, R. Stripecke: CAR-T cells targeting Epstein-Barr virus gp350 validated in a humanized mouse model of EBV infection and lymphoproliferative disease. Molecular Therapy - Oncolytics 18 (2020), 504-524
S.J. Theobald, C. Kreer, S. Khailaie, A. Bonifacius, B. Eiz-Vesper, C. Figueiredo, M. Mach, M. Backovic, M. Ballmaier, J. Koenig, H. Olbrich, A. Schneider, V. Volk, S. Danisch, L. Gieselmann, M.S. Ercanoglu, M. Messerle, C. von Kaisenberg, T. Witte, F. Klawonn, M. Meyer-Hermann, F. Klein, R. Stripecke: Repertoire characterization and validation of gB-specific human IgGs directly cloned from humanized mice vaccinated with dendritic cells and protected against HCMV. Plos Pathogens (2020), doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008560
L. Wester, M. Mücke, T.T.A. Bender, J. Sellin, F. Klawonn, R. Conrad, N. Szczypien: Pain drawings as a diagnostic tool for the differentiation between two pain-associated rare diseases (Ehlers-Danlos-Syndrome, Guillain-Barre-Syndrome). Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 15:323 (2020), doi: 10.1186/s13023-020-01542-1
D. Pierl, K. Vahldiek, J. Geißler, B. Rüger, K. Michels, F. Klawonn, A. Nürnberger: Online model- and data-based leakage localization in district heating networks - Impact of random measurement errors. In: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), IEEE (2020), 2331-2338, doi: 10.1109/SMC42975.2020.9283233
A. Ambrosch, K. Wahrburg, F. Klawonn: Bacterial load and pathogenic species on healthcare
personnel attire (HCPA): implication of alcohol hand-rub (AHR) use, profession and duration of
Journal of Hospital Infection 101(4), (2019), 414-421
M. Caputo, B. Zoch-Lesniak, A. Karch, M. Vital, F. Meyer, F. Klawonn, A. Baillot, D.H.
Pieper, R.T. Mikolajczyk: Bacterial community structure and effects of picornavirus infection on
the anterior nares microbiome in early childhood.
BMC Microbiology (2019) 19:1
M. Döring, H. Blees, N. Koller, S. Tischer-Zimmermann, M. Müsken, F. Henrich, J. Becker, E. Grabski, J. Wang, H. Janssen, W. Zuschratter, J. Neefjes, F. Klawonn, B. Eiz-Vesper, R. Tampe, U. Kalinke: Modulation of TAP-dependent antigen compartmentalization during human monocyte-to-DC differentiation. Blood Advances 3 (2019), 839-850
R. Franke, B. Hinkelmann, V. Fetz, T. Stradal, F. Sasse, F. Klawonn, M. Brönstrup: xCELLanalyzer: A Framework for the Analysis of Cellular Impedance Measurements for Mode of Action Discovery. SLAS Discovery 24(3) (2019), 213-223
L. Grigull, S. Mehmecke, A.-K. Rother, S. Blöß, C. Klemann, U. Schumacher, U. Mücke, X. Kortum, W. Lechner, F. Klawonn: Common pre-diagnostic features in individuals with different rare diseases represent a key for diagnostic support with computerized pattern recognition? PLoS ONE 14(10) (2019), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0222637
A.-L. Sieg, A.-M. Das, N.M. Muschol, A. Köhn, C. Lampe, X. Kortum, S. Mehmecke, S. Blöß, W. Lechner, F. Klawonn, L. Grigull: Künstliche Intelligenz zur diagnostischen Unterstützung ausgewählter seltener lysosomaler Speichererkrankungen: Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie (Artificial intelligence for diagnostic support in selected rare lysosomal storage disorders: Results of a pilot study). Klinische Pädiatrie 231(02) (2019), 60-66
A. Ambrosch, A. Klinger, D. Luber, C. Arp, M. Lepiorz, S. Schroll, F. Klawonn: Symptomatologie und klinischer Verlauf bei hospitalisierten Erwachsenen mit Virusinfektionen durch Influenza A und Respiratory Syncytial-Virus (RSV). Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 143(09) (2018), 68-75
I. Bernal, J.D. Hofmann, B. Bulitta, F. Klawonn, A.-M. Michel, D. Jahn, M. Neumann-Schaal, D. Bruder, L. Jänsch: Clostridioides difficile activates human mucosal-associated invariant T cells. Frontiers in Microbiology 9, Article 2532, (2018), doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02532
A. Bietenbeck, W.J. Geilenkeuser, F. Klawonn, M. Spannagl, M. Nauck, A. Petersmann, M.A. Thaler, C. Winter, P.B. Luppa: External quality assessment schemes for glucose measurements in Germany: factors for successful participation, analytical performance and medical impact. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 56(8) (2018), 1238-1250
A. Brennecke, S. Dueber, B. Roy, I. Gruenke, A.I. Garbe, F. Klawonn, O. Pabst, K. Kretschmer, S. Weiss: Induced B cell development in adult mice. Frontiers in Immunology 9, Article 2483 (2018), doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02483
B. Bulitta, W. Zuschratter, I. Bernal, D. Bruder, F. Klawonn, M. von Bergen, H.S.P. Garritsen, L. Jänsch: Proteomic definition of human mucosal-associated invariant T cells determines their unique molecular effector phenotype. European Journal of Immunology 48(8) (2018), 1336-1349
P. Croce, F. Marsili, F. Klawonn, P. Formichi, F. Landi: Evaluation of statistical parameters of concrete strength from secondary experimental test data. Construction & Building Materials 163 (2018), 343-359
G. Hoffmann, A. Bietenbeck, R. Lichtinghagen, F. Klawonn: Using machine learning techniques to
generate laboratory diagnostic pathways - a case study.
Journal of Laboratory and Precision Medicine 3:58 (2018)
G. Hoffmann, F. Klawonn: Indirekte Überprüfung von Referenzintervallen: Leberwerte in neuem
Trillium Diagnostik 16(2) (2018), 122-124
T. Klingen, S. Reimering, J. Loers, K. Mooren, F. Klawonn, T. Krey, G. Gabriel, A. McHardy:
Sweep Dynamics (SD) plots: Computational identification of selective sweeps to monitor the
adaptation of influenza A viruses.
Scientific Reports 8, Article number: 373 (2018), doi:
M. Kuhn, K.-W. Sühs, M.K. Akmatov, F. Klawonn, J. Wang, T. Skripuletz, V. Kaever, M. Stangel, F. Pessler: Mass-spectrometric profiling of cerebrospinal fluid reveals metabolite biomarkers for CNS involvement in varicella zoster virus reactivation. Journal of Neuroinflammation 15:20 (2018), doi: 10.1186/s12974-017-1041-0
D. Lang, B.H. Schott, M. van Ham, L. Morton, L. Kulikovskaja, R. Herrera-Molina, R. Pielot, F. Klawonn, D. Montag, L. Jänsch, E.D. Gundelfinger, K.H. Smalla, I.R. Dunay: Chronic Toxoplasma infection is associated with distinct alterations in the synaptic protein composition. Journal of Neuroinflammation 15:216 (2018), doi: 10.1186/s12974-018-1242-1
B. Rüger, D. Pierl, M. Guber, J. Yin, M. Baur, H. Eberhard, F. Klawonn, K. Michels: Online Leakage Attribution to Exclusion Areas Prototype Application. Energy Procedia 149 (2018), 575-584
J. Voigt, D.F.G. Malone, J. Dias, E. Leeansyah, N.K. Björkström, H.-G. Ljunggren, L. Gröbe, F. Klawonn, M. Heyner, J.K. Sandberg, L. Jänsch: Proteome analysis of CD56neg NK cells reveals a homogeneous phenotype surprisingly similar to CD56dim NK cells. European Journal of Immunology 48(9) (2018), 1456-1469
D. Peralta, C. Bergmeir, M. Krone, M. Galende, M. Menendez, G.I. Sainz-Palmero, C. Martinez
Bertrand, F. Klawonn, J.M. Benitez: Multiobjective Optimization for Railway Maintenance Plans.
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 32(3), 2018, doi:
F. Klawonn: Exploring Time-Resolved Data for Patterns and Validating Single Clusters. In: S.
Mostaghim, A. Nürnberger, C. Borgelt (eds.): Frontiers in Computational Intelligence. Springer,
Cham (2018), 61-71
X. Kortum, L. Grigull, U. Muecke, W. Lechner, F. Klawonn: Improving the Decision Support in
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A.J. Tallon-Ballesteros (eds.): Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2018.
Springer, Berlin (2018), 419-428
F. Noering, K. Jonas, F. Klawonn: Assessment and Adaption of Pattern Discovery Approaches for
Time Series Under the Requirement of Time Warping. In: H. Yin, D. Camacho, P. Novais, A.J.
Tallon-Ballesteros (eds.): Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2018.
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A. Cristal, O.S. Unsal, X. Martorell, P. Carpenter, R. De La Cruz, L. Bautista, D. Jimenez, C. Alvarez, B. Salami, S. Madonar, M. Pericas, P. Trancoso, M. vor dem Berge, G. Billung-Meyer, S. Krupop, W. Christmann, F. Klawonn, A. Mihklafi, T. Becker, G. Gaydadjiev, H. Salomonsson, D. Dubhashi, O. Port, Y. Etsion, V. Nowack, C. Fetzer, J. Hagemeyer, T. Jungeblut, N. Kucza, M. Kaiser, M. Porrmann, M. Pasin, V. Schiavoni, I. Rocha, C. Göttel, P. Felber: LEGaTO: towards energy-efficient, secure, fault-tolerant toolset for heterogeneous computing. Proc. of the 15th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, ACM, New York (2018), 276-278
A. Bakuli, F. Klawonn, A. Karch, R. Mikolajczyk: Effects of pathogen dependency in a multi-pathogen infectious disease system including population level heterogeneity - a simulation study. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 14:26 (2017), doi: 10.1186/s12976-017-0072-7
A. Bietenbeck, M.A. Thaler, P.B. Luppa, F. Klawonn: Stronger Together: Aggregated Z-values of Traditional Quality Control Measurements and Patient Medians Improve Detection of Biases. Clinical Chemistry 63(8) (2017), 1377-1387
S. Blöß, C. Klemann, A.-K. Rother, S. Mehmecke, U. Schumacher, U. Mücke, M. Mücke, C. Stieber, F. Klawonn, X. Kortum, W. Lechner, L. Grigull: Diagnostic needs for rare diseases and shared prediagnostic phenomena: Results of a German-wide expert Delphi survey. PLoS ONE 12(2) (2017), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172532
M. van Ham, R. Teich, L. Philipsen, J. Niemz, N. Amsberg, J. Wissing, M. Nimtz, L. Gröbe, S. Kliche, N. Thiel, F. Klawonn, M. Hubo, H. Jonuleit, P. Reichardt, A. Müller, J. Huehn, L. Jänsch: TCR signalling network organization at the immunological synapses of regulatory T cells. European Journal of Immunology 47(12) (2017), 2043-2058
G. Hoffmann, F. Klawonn, R. Lichtinghagen, M. Orth: Der zlog-Wert als Basis für die Standardisierung von Laborwerten. LaboratoriumsMedizin 41(1) (2017), 23-32
G. Hoffmann, F. Klawonn: Farbgestaltung von Befundberichten: Von der Bioinformatik lernen.
Trillium Diagnostik 15(3) (2017), 161-163
H. Lingel, J. Wissing, A. Arra, D. Schanze, S. Lienenklaus, F. Klawonn, M. Pierau, M. Zenker,
L. Jänsch, M.C. Brunner-Weinzierl: CTLA-4-mediated posttranslational modifications direct cytotoxic
T-lymphocyte differentiation.
Cell Death and Differentiation 24 (2017), 1739-1749
U. Mücke, C. Klemann, U. Baumann, A. Meyer-Bahlburg, X. Kortum, F. Klawonn, W. Lechner, L. Grigull: Patient's experience in pediatric PID: Computerized classification of questionnaires. Frontiers in Immunology 8 (2017), doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00384
M. Omar, F. Klawonn, S. Brand, M. Stiesch, C. Krettek, J. Eberhard: Transcriptome-Wide High-Density Microarray Analysis Reveals Differential Gene Transcription in Periprosthetic Tissue From Hips With Chronic Periprosthetic Joint Infection vs Aseptic Loosening. Journal of Arthroplasty 32 (2017), 234-240
C. Stieber, M. Mücke, I.C. Windheuser, L. Grigull, F. Klawonn, S. Tunc, A. Münchau, T. Klockgether: Kurze Wege zur Diagnose - Eine Handlungsanweisung für Patienten ohne Diagnose. Bundesgesundheitsblatt 60 (5), (2017), 517-522
K. Tschumitschew, F. Klawonn: Effects of drift and noise on the optimal sliding window size for data stream regression models. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 46(10) (2017), 5109-5132
X. Kortum, L. Grigull, W. Lechner, F. Klawonn: A Dynamic Adaptive Questionnaire for Improved Disease Diagnostics. In: N. Adams, A. Tucker, D. Weston (eds.): Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XVI, Springer, Cham (2017), 162-172
H. Yin, Y. Gao, B. Li, D. Zhang, M. Yang, Y. Li, F. Klawonn, A.J. Tallon-Ballesteros (eds.):
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2016. Springer, Cham (2016)
N. Abidi, R. Franke, P. Findeisen, F. Klawonn: Alignment of time-resolved data from high
throughput experiments.
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 14(6) (2016), doi:
F. Casilag, A. Lorenz, J. Krüger, F. Klawonn, S. Weiß, S. Häussler: The LasB elastase of Pseudomonas aeruginosa acts in concert with alkaline protease AprA to prevent flagellin-mediated immune recognition. Infection and Immunity 84 (2016), 162-171
L. Grigull, W. Lechner, S. Petri, K. Kollewe, R. Dengler, S. Mehmecke, U. Schumacher, T. Lücke, C. Schneider-Gold, C. Köhler, A.-K. Güttsches, X. Kortum, F. Klawonn: Diagnostic support for selected neuromuscular diseases using answer-pattern recognition and data mining techniques: a proof of concept multicenter prospective trial. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making (2016) 16:31, doi: 10.1186/s12911-016-0268-5
G. Hoffmann, F. Klawonn: Big Data in der Labormedizin: Von der Utopie zur Strategie. Trillium Diagnostik 14(1) (2016), 24-26
A. Khaledi, M. Schniederjans, S. Pohl, R. Rainer, U. Bodenhofer, B. Xia, F. Klawonn, S. Bruchmann, M. Preusse, D. Eckweiler, A. Dötsch, S. Häussler: Transcriptome profiling of antimicrobial resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 60(8) (2016), 4722-4733
A. Kummer, G. Nishanth, J. Koschel, F. Klawonn, D. Schlüter, L. Jänsch: Listeriosis downregulates hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes in sublethal murine infection. Proteomics - Clinical Applications 10(9-10) (2016), 1025-1035
V.K. Nguyen, F. Klawonn, R. Mikolajczyk, E.A. Hernandez-Vargas: Analysis of practical identifiability of a viral infection model. PLoS ONE 11(12) (2016), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0167568
B. Seeger, F. Klawonn, B. Nguema Bekale, P. Steinberg: The ability of the YAS and AR CALUX assays to detect the additive effects of anti-androgenic fungicide mixtures. Toxicology Letters 241 (2016), 193-199
B. Seeger, F. Klawonn, B. Nguema Bekale, P. Steinberg: Mixture effects of estrogenic pesticides at the human estrogen receptor alpha and beta. PLoS ONE 11(1) (2016), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147490
T. Heuer, I. Schiering, F. Klawonn, A. Gabel, M. Seeger: Recognizing Time-Efficiently Local
Botnet Infections - A Case Study. In: Proc. 11th International Conference on Availability,
Reliability and Security (ARES), IEEE, Salzburg (2016), 304-311
F. Klawonn: Exploring data sets for clusters and validating single clusters. Procedia
Computer Science 96 (2016), 1381-1390
F. Klawonn, J. Wang, I. Koch, J. Eberhard, M. Omar: HAUCA Curves for the Evaluation of
Biomarker Pilot Studies with Small Sample Sizes and Large Numbers of Features. In: H. Boström, A.
Knobbe, C. Soares, P. Papapetrou (eds.): Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XV. Springer, Cham
(2016), 356-367
X. Kortum, L. Grigull, U. Muecke, W. Lechner, F. Klawonn: Diagnosis Support for Orphan Diseases:
A Case Study Using a Classifier Fusion Method. In: H. Yin, Y. Gao, B. Li, D. Zhang, M. Yang, Y. Li,
F. Klawonn, A.J. Tallon-Ballesteros (eds.): Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning -
IDEAL 2016. Springer, Cham (2016), 379-385
F. Marsili, P. Croce, F. Klawonn, A. Vignoli, S. Boschi, F. Landi: A Bayesian Network for the
Definition of Probability Models for Masonry Mechanical Parameters. In: R. Caspeele, L. Taerwe, D.
Proske (eds.): 14th International Probabilistic Workshop, Springer, Cham (2016), 253-268
F. Marsili, P. Croce, F. Klawonn, F. Landi: A Bayesian Network for the Definition of Probability Models for Compressive Strength of Concrete Homogeneous Population. In: R. Caspeele, L. Taerwe, D. Proske (eds.): 14th International Probabilistic Workshop, Springer, Cham (2016), 269-283
R. Kruse, C. Borgelt, C. Braune, F. Klawonn, C. Moewes, M. Steinbrecher: Computational Intelligence: Eine methodische Einführung in Künstliche Neuronale Netze, Evolutionäre Algorithmen, Fuzzy-Systeme und Bayes-Netze (2. Auflage). Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden (2015)
F. Klawonn, R. Kruse, R. Winkler: Fuzzy Clustering: More than just Fuzzification. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 281 (2015), 272-279
J. König, L. Grigull, H.-W. Fritsch, F. Klawonn: IT-Unterstützung zur Diagnosefindung seltener Erkrankungen - Umfassende Datenanalyse bei komplexen Fällen. Der Klinikarzt 44 (2015), 16-21
N. Novoselova, J. Wang, F. Klawonn: Optimized leaf ordering with class labels for hierarchical clustering. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 13 (4) (2015), doi: 10.1142/S0219720015500122
S. Pfaender, S. Walter, D. Todt, P. Behrendt, J. Doerrbecker, B. Woelk, M. Engelmann, U. Gravemann, A. Seltsam, J. Steinmann, P.D. Burbelo, F. Klawonn, K. Feige, T. Pietschmann, J.M.V. Cavalleri, E. Steinmann: Assessment of cross-species transmission of hepatitis C-related non-primate hepacivirus in a population of humans at high risk of exposure. Journal of General Virology 96 (2015), 2636-2642, doi: 10.1099/vir.0.000208
M. Preusse, K. Schughart, E. Wilk, F. Klawonn, F. Pessler: Hematological parameters in the early phase of influenza A virus infection in differentially susceptible inbred mouse strains. BMC Research Notes (2015) 8:225, doi: 10.1186/s13104-015-1195-8
U. Rand, J. Riedel, U. Hillebrand, D. Shin, S. Willenberg, S. Behme, F. Klawonn, M. Köster, H. Hauser, D. Wirth: Single-cell analysis reveals heterogeneity in onset of transgene expression from synthetic tetracycline-dependent promoters. Biotechnology Journal 10 (2015), 323-331
A.-K. Rother, N. Schwerk, F. Brinkmann, F. Klawonn, W.M. Lechner, L. Grigull: Diagnostic Support for Selected Paediatric Pulmonary Diseases Using Answer-pattern Recognition in Questionnaires Based on Combined Data Mining Applications - A Monocentric Observational Pilot Study. PLoS ONE 10(8) (2015): e0135180. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135180
S.P. Szafranski, M.L. Wos-Oxley, R. Vilchez-Vargas, R. Jauregui, I. Plumeier, F. Klawonn, J. Tomasch, C. Meisinger, J. Kühnisch, H. Sztajer, D.H. Pieper, I. Wagner-Döbler: High-Resolution Taxonomic Profiling of the Subgingival Microbiome for Biomarker Discovery and Periodontitis Diagnosis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81 (2015), 1047-1058
J.O. Thumfart, N. Abidi, S. Mindt, V. Costina, R. Hofheinz, F. Klawonn, M. Neumaier, P. Findeisen: LC/MS Based Monitoring of Endogenous Decay Markers for Quality Assessment of Serum Specimens. Proteomics & Bioinformatics 8:5 (2015), 091-097, doi: 10.4172/jpb.1000356
S. Vogel, E. Grabski, D. Buschjäger, F. Klawonn, M. Döring, J. Wang, E. Fletcher, I. Bechmann, T. Witte, M. Durisin, B. Schraven, S.M. Mangsbo, K. Schönfeld, N. Czeloth, U. Kalinke: Antibody induced CD4 down-modulation of T cells is site-specifically mediated by CD64+ cells. Scientific Reports 5:18308 (2015), doi: 10.1038/srep18308
L. Wirsing, F. Klawonn, W. Sassen, H. Lünsdorf, C. Probst, M. Hust, R. Mendel, T. Kruse, L. Jänsch: Linear discriminant analysis identifies mitochondrially localized proteins in Neurospora crassa. Journal of Proteome Research 14 (2015), 3900-3911, doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00329
H. Worthmann, A.B. Tryc, M. Dirks, R. Schuppner, K. Brand, F. Klawonn, R. Lichtinghagen, K. Weissenborn: Lipopolysaccharide binding protein, interleukin-10, interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein blood levels in acute ischemic stroke patients with post-stroke infection. Journal of Neuroinflammation 12:13 (2015), doi: 10.1186/s12974-014-0231-2
C.-F. Wu, L. Andzinski, N. Kasnitz, A. Kröger, F. Klawonn, S. Lienenklaus, S. Weiss, J. Jablonska: The lack of type I interferon induces neutrophil-mediated pre-metastatic niche formation in the mouse lung. International Journal of Cancer 137(4) (2015), 837-847, doi: 10.1002/ijc.29444
F. Klawonn, F. Höppner, B. Jayaram: What are clusters in high dimensions and are they difficult to find? In: F. Masulli, A. Petrosino, S. Rovetta (eds.): Clustering High-Dimensional Data. Springer, Berlin (2015), 14-33
R. Winkler, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Prototype Based Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms in High-Dimensional Feature Spaces. In: L. Magdalena, J.L. Verdegay, F. Esteva (eds.): Enric Trillas: A Passion for Fuzzy Sets: A Collection of Recent Works on Fuzzy Logic. Springer, Cham (2015), 233-243
X. Zhang, F. Klawonn, L. Grigull, W. Lechner: VoQs: A Web Application for Visualization of Questionnaire Surveys. In: E. Fromont, T. De Bie, M. van Leeuwen (eds.): Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XIV. Springer, Cham (2015), 334-343
F. Klawonn, G. Hoffmann: Die Suche nach dem perfekten Algorithmus: Auswertung molekularbiologischer Massendaten. Trillium Diagnostik 12(2) (2014), 64-65
O. Montvida, F. Klawonn: Relative Cost Curves: An Alternative to AUC and an Extension to 3-Class Problems. Kybernetika 50 (2014), 647-660
N. Novoselova, C. Della Beffa, J. Wang, J. Li, F. Pessler, F. Klawonn: HUM Calculator and HUM package for R: easy-to-use software tools for multicategory receiver operating characteristic analysis. Bioinformatics 30 (2014), 1635-1636
O. Shevchuk, N. Abidi, F. Klawonn, J. Wissing, M. Nimtz, C. Kugler, M. Steinert, T. Goldmann, L. Jänsch: HOPE-fixation of lung tissue allows retrospective proteome and phosphoproteome studies. Journal of Proteome Research 13 (2014), 5230-5239
G. Huang, X. Liu, J. He, F. Klawonn, G. Yao (eds.): Health Information Science (HIS 2013). Springer, Berlin (2013)
R. Kruse, C. Borgelt, F. Klawonn, C. Moewes, M. Steinbrecher, P. Held: Computational Intelligence: A Methodological Introduction. Springer, London (2013)
H. Yin, K. Tang, Y. Gao, F. Klawonn, M. Lee, B. Li, T. Weise, X. Yao (eds.): Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2013. Springer, Berlin (2013)
U. Bodenhofer, M. Krone, F. Klawonn: Testing Noisy Numerical Data for Monotonic Association.
Information Sciences 245 (2013), 21-37
C. Della Beffa, E. Slansky, C. Pommerenke, F. Klawonn, J. Li, L. Dai, H.R. Schumacher Jr., F.
Pessler: The Relative Composition of the Inflammatory Infiltrate as an Additional Tool for Synovial
Tissue Classification.
PLoS ONE 8 (2013), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072494
F. Klawonn, B. Jayaram, K. Crull, A. Kukita, F. Pessler: Analysis of Contingency Tables based on Generalised Median Polish with Power Transformations and Non-Additive Models. Health Information Science and Systems 1:11 (2013), doi: 10.1186/2047-2501-1-11
M. Preusse, M.A. Tantawy, F. Klawonn, K. Schughart, F. Pessler: Infection- and
Procedure-Dependent Effects on Pulmonary Gene Expression in the Early Phase of Influenza A Virus
Infection in Mice.
BMC Microbiology 13:293 (2013), doi: 10.1186/1471-2180-13-293
M. Scheiter, B. Bulitta, M. van Ham, F. Klawonn, S. König, L. Jänsch: Protein Kinase
Inhibitors CK59 and CID755673 Alter Primary Human NK Cell Effector Functions.
Frontiers in Immunology 4:66 (2013), doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2013.00066
M. Scheiter, U. Lau, M. van Ham, B. Bulitta, L. Gröbe, H. Garritsen, F. Klawonn, S. König, L. Jänsch: Proteome Analysis of Distinct Developmental Stages of Human Natural Killer Cells. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 12 (2013), 1099-1114
T. Wuestefeld, M. Pesic, R. Rudalska, D. Dauch, T. Longerich, T.-W. Kang, T. Yevsa, F. Heinzmann, L. Hoenicke, A. Hohmeyer, A. Potapova, I. Rittelmeier, M. Jarek, R. Geffers, M. Scharfe, F. Klawonn, P. Schirmacher, N.P. Malek, M. Ott, A. Nordheim, A. Vogel, M.P. Manns, L. Zender: A Direct In Vivo RNAi Screen Identifies MKK4 as a Key Regulator of Liver Regeneration. Cell 153 (2013), 389-401
K. Ince, F. Klawonn: Decision and Regression Trees in the Context of Attributes with Different Granularity Levels. In: C. Borgelt, M.A. Gil, J.M.C. Sousa, M. Verleysen (eds.): Towards Advanced Data Analysis by Combining Soft Computing and Statistics, Springer, Berlin (2013), 331-342
K. Ince, T. Schneider, F. Klawonn: Analysis of Sequential Data in Tool Manufacturing of Volkswagen AG. In: K. Nakamatsu, L.C. Jain (eds.): The Handbook on Reasoning-Based Intelligent Systems. World Scientific, Singapore (2013), 555-574
N. Abidi, F. Klawonn, J.O. Thumfart: Time Point Estimation of a Single Sample from High
Throughput Experiments Based on Time-Resolved Data and Robust Correlation Measures. In: A. Tucker,
F. Höppner, A. Siebes, S. Swift (eds.): Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XII. Springer, Berlin
(2013), 32-43
K. Ince, F. Klawonn: Handling Different Levels of Granularity within Naive Bayes Classifiers.
In: H. Yin, K. Tang, Y. Gao, F. Klawonn, M. Lee, B. Li, T. Weise, X. Yao (eds.): Intelligent Data
Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2013. Springer, Berlin (2013), 521-528
F. Klawonn: What Can Fuzzy Cluster Analysis Contribute to Clustering of High-Dimensional
Data? In: F. Masulli, G. Pasi, R. Yager (eds.): Fuzzy Logic and Applications (WILF 2013). Springer,
Cham (2013), 1-14
F. Klawonn, W. Lechner, L. Grigull: Case-Centred Multidimensional Scaling for Classification
Visualisation in Medical Diagnosis. In: G. Huang, X. Liu, J. He, F. Klawonn, G. Yao (eds.): Health
Information Science (HIS 2013). Springer, Berlin (2013), 137-148
K. Tschumitschew, F. Klawonn: Change Detection Based on the Distribution of p-Values. In: C.
Borgelt, M.A. Gil, J.M.C. Sousa, M. Verleysen (eds.): Towards Advanced Data Analysis by Combining
Soft Computing and Statistics, Springer, Berlin (2013), 191-203
K. Tschumitschew, F. Klawonn: High Against Low Quantile Comparison for Biomarker and Classifier Evaluation. In: H. Yin, K. Tang, Y. Gao, F. Klawonn, M. Lee, B. Li, T. Weise, X. Yao (eds.): Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2013. Springer, Berlin (2013), 561-568
R. Winkler, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: A new distance function for prototype based clustering algorithms in high dimensional spaces. In: P. Giudici, S. Ingrassia, M. Vichi (eds.): Statistical Models for Data Analysis. Springer, Berlin (2013), 371-378
J. Hollmen, F. Klawonn, A. Tucker (eds.): Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XI. Springer, Berlin (2012)
L. Grigull, C. Betzel, U. Schumacher, A.-K. Rother, U. Mücke, F. Klawonn, W.M. Lechner: Sollten Kinderärzte zur Unterstützung bei der Diagnostik einen Computer nutzen? Pädiatrische Praxis 79 (2012), 545-555
B. Jayaram, F. Klawonn: Can Unbounded Distance Measures Mitigate the Curse of Dimensionality? International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management 4 (2012), 361-383
F. Klawonn: Significance Tests to Identify Regulated Proteins Based on a Large Number of Small Samples. Kybernetika 48 (2012), 478-493
T. Nedelko, H. Kollmus, F. Klawonn, S. Spijker, L. Lu, M. Heßmann, R. Alberts, R.W. Williams, K. Schughart: Distinct Gene Loci Control the Host Response to Influenza H1N1 Virus Infection in a Time-Dependent Manner. BMC Genomics 2012, 13:411, doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-13-411
B. Jayaram, F. Klawonn: Can Fuzzy Clustering Avoid Local Minima and Undesired Partitions? In: C. Moewes, A. Nürnberger (eds.): Computational Intelligence in Intelligent Data Analysis. Springer, Berlin (2012), 31-44
K. Tschumitschew, F. Klawonn: Incremental Statistical Measures. In: M. Sayed-Mouchaweh, E. Lughofer (eds.): Learning in Non-Stationary Environments: Methods and Applications. Springer, New York (2012), 21-56
R. Winkler, R. Kruse, F. Klawonn: A New Distance Function for Fuzzy c-Means Clustering in
High-Dimensional Spaces with Applications in S.O.D.A. In: J. Pociecha, R. Decker (eds.): Data
Analysis Methods and its Applications. Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa (2012), 91-107
C. Gernert, E. Berger, F. Klawonn, L. Jänsch: Tackling Misleading Peptide Regulation Fold
Changes in Quantitative Proteomics. In: M.P. Rocha, N. Luscombe, F. Fdez-Riverola, J.M. Corchado
Rodriguez (eds.): 6th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology
& Bioinformatics. Springer, Berlin (2012), 269-276
B. Jayaram, F. Klawonn: Generalised Median Polish Based on Additive Generators. In: R. Kruse,
M.R. Berthold, C. Moewes, M.A. Gil, P. Grzegorzewski, O. Hryniewicz (eds.): Synergies of Soft
Computing and Statistics for Intelligent Data Analysis. Springer, Berlin (2012), 439-448
T. Johl, M. Nimtz, L. Jänsch, F. Klawonn: Detecting Glycosylations in Complex Samples. In:
L.S. Iliadis, I. Maglogiannis, H. Papadopoulos (eds.): Artificial Intelligence Applications and
Innovations Part 1, Springer, Heidelberg (2012), 234-243
F. Klawonn, N. Abidi, E. Berger, L. Jänsch: Curve Fitting for Short Time Series Data from High
Throughput Experiments with Correction for Biological Variation. In: J. Hollmen, F. Klawonn, A.
Tucker (eds.): Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XI. Springer, Berlin (2012), 150-160
F. Klawonn, K. Crull, A. Kukita, F. Pessler: Median Polish with Power Transformations as an
Alternative for the Analysis of Contingency Tables with Patient Data. In: J. He, X. Liu, E.
Krupinski, G. Xu (eds.): Health Information Science: First International Conference, HIS 2012.
Springer, Berlin (2012), 25-35
R. Winkler, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Problems of fuzzy c-means clustering and similar algorithms
with high dimensional data sets. In: W.A. Gaul, A. Geyer-Schulz, L. Schmidt-Thieme, J. Kunze
(eds.): Challenges at the Interface of Data Analysis, Computer Science, and Optimization. Springer,
Berlin (2012), 79-87
R. Kruse, C. Borgelt, F. Klawonn, C. Moewes, G. Ruß, M. Steinbrecher: Computational Intelligence: Eine methodische Einführung in Künstliche Neuronale Netze, Evolutionäre Algorithmen, Fuzzy-Systeme und Bayes-Netze. Vieweg+Teubner. Wiesbaden (2011, 2. Auflage 2015)
C. Della Beffa, F. Klawonn, J.P. Menetski, H.R. Schumacher Jr., F. Pessler: Evaluation of Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate, Prolylpeptidyl Isomerase A, and a Set of Stably Expressed Genes as Reference mRNAs in Urate Crystal Inflammation. BMC Research Notes 2011, 4:443
R. Winkler, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Fuzzy Clustering with Polynomial Fuzzifier in Connection with M-Estimators. Applied and Computational Mathematics 10 (2011), 146-163
R. Winkler, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Fuzzy C-Means in High Dimensional Spaces. Fuzzy System Applications 1 (2011), 1-17
O. Georgieva, K. Tschumitschew, F. Klawonn: Cluster Validity Measures Based on the Minimum
Description Length Principle. In: A. König, A. Dengel, K. Hinkelmann, K. Kise, R.J. Howlett, L.C.
Jain (eds.): Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. Springer,
Heidelberg (2011), 82-89
C. Gernert, F. Klawonn, L. Jänsch: SignalNet: Visualization of Signal Network Responses by
Quantitative Proteome Data. In: H. Yin, W. Wang, V. Rayward-Smith (eds.): Intelligent Data
Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2011. Springer, Berlin (2011), 361-368
F. Klawonn, F. Höppner, S. May: An Alternative to ROC and AUC Analysis of Classifiers. In: J.
Gama, E. Bradley, J. Hollmen (eds.): Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis X. Springer, Berlin
(2011), 210-221
M. Krone, F. Klawonn, T. Lührs, C. Ritter: Identification of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Signals via Gaussian Mixture Decomposition. In: J. Gama, E. Bradley, J. Hollmen (eds.): Advances in
Intelligent Data Analysis X. Springer, Berlin (2011), 234-245
N. Novoselova, F. Klawonn, T. Johl, T. Reinl, L. Jänsch: Identification of Peptides with
Deviating Regulation Factors Using a Robust Clustering Scheme. In: M.P. Rocha, J.M. Corchado
Rodriguez, F. Fdez-Riverola, A. Valencia (eds.): 5th International Conference on Practical
Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics (PACBB 2011). Springer, Berlin (2011),
C. Pommerenke, B. Friedrich, T. Johl, L. Jänsch, S. Häussler, F. Klawonn: A Modified Apriori Algorithm for Analysing High-Dimensional Gene Data. In: H. Yin, W. Wang, V. Rayward-Smith (eds.): Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2011. Springer, Berlin (2011), 236-243
M.R. Berthold, C. Borgelt, F. Höppner, F. Klawonn: Guide to Intelligent Data Analysis: How to Intelligently Make Sense of Real Data. Springer, London (2010)
R. Alberts, B. Srivastava, H. Wu, N. Viegas, R. Geffers, F. Klawonn, N. Novoselova, T. Zaverucha do Valle, J.-J. Panthier, K. Schughart: Gene Expression Changes in the Host Response between Resistant and Susceptible Inbred Mouse Strains after Influenza A Infection. Microbes and Infection 12 (2010), 309-318
A. Dötsch, F. Klawonn, M. Jarek, M. Scharfe, H. Blöcker, S. Häussler: Evolutionary Conservation of Essential and Highly Expressed Genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. BMC Genomics 2010, 11:234, doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-11-234
C. Pommerenke, M. Müsken, T. Becker, A. Dötsch, F. Klawonn, S. Häussler: Global Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PLoS Pathogenes 6(8), 2010: e1001074. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1001074
K. Tschumitschew, F. Klawonn: Incremental Quantile Estimation. Evolving Systems 1 (2010), 253-264
R. Winkler, F. Klawonn, F. Höppner, R. Kruse: Fuzzy Cluster Analysis of Larger Data Sets. In: A.
Laurent, M.-J. Lesot (eds.): Scalable Fuzzy Algorithms for Data Management and Analysis: Methods
and Design. Information Science Reference, Hershey (2010), 312-331
K. Ince, F. Klawonn: Attribute Value Selection Considering the Minimum Description Length
Approach and Feature Granularity. In: E. Hüllermeier, R. Kruse, F. Hoffmann (eds.): Computational
Intelligence for Knowledge-Based Systems Design. Springer, Berlin (2010), 250-259
F. Klawonn, T. Wüstefeld, L. Zender: Statistical Modelling for Data from Experiments with
Short Hairpin RNAs. In: P.R. Cohen, N.M. Adams, M.R. Berthold (eds.): Advances in Intelligent Data
Analysis IX. Springer, Berlin (2010), 79-90
M. Krone, F. Klawonn: Rank Correlation Coefficient Correction by Removing Worst Cases. In: E. Hüllermeier, R. Kruse, F. Hoffmann (eds.): Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems: Theory and Methods. Springer, Berlin (2010), 356-364
K. Tschumitschew, F. Klawonn, N. Obermöller, W. Lawrenz: Visualisation of Test Coverage for
Conformance Tests of Low Level Communication Protocols. In: R. Setchi, I. Jordanov, R.J. Howlett,
L.C. Jain (eds.): Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 14th
International Conference, KES 2010, Part II. Springer, Berlin (2010), 244-252
K. Tschumitschew, F. Klawonn: The Need for Benchmarks with Data from Stochastic Processes and
Meta-Models in Evolving Systems. In: P. Angelov, D. Filev, N. Kasabov (eds.): Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Evolving Intelligent Systems. SSAISB, Leicester (2010), 30-33
K. Tschumitschew, D. Nauck, F. Klawonn: A Classification Algorithm for Process Sequences Based on Markov Chains and Bayesian Networks. In: R. Setchi, I. Jordanov, R.J. Howlett, L.C. Jain (eds.): Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 14th International Conference, KES 2010, Part I. Springer, Berlin (2010), 141-147
C. Hundertmark, R. Fischer, T. Reinl, S. May, F. Klawonn, L. Jänsch: MS-specific Noise Model Reveals the Potential of iTRAQ in Quantitative Proteomics. Bioinformatics 25 (2009), 1004-1011
C. Hundertmark, L. Jänsch, F. Klawonn: Fuzzy Clustering of Likelihood Curves for Finding
Interesting Patterns in Expression Profiles. In: C.L. Mumford, L.C. Jain (eds.): Computational
Intelligence: Collaboration, Fusion and Emergence. Springer, Berlin (2009), 599-622
F. Klawonn, F. Höppner: Fuzzy Cluster Analysis from the Viewpoint of Robust Statistics. In:
R. Seising (ed.): Views on Fuzzy Sets and Systems from Different Perspectives. Springer, Berlin
(2009), 439-455
F. Klawonn, F. Rehm: Cluster Analysis for Outlier Detection. In: J. Wang (ed.): Encyclopedia
of Data Warehousing and Mining (2nd ed.), Vol. I. Information Science Reference, Hershey (2009),
F. Rehm, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Visualization of High-Dimensional Data with Polar Coordinates. In: J. Wang (ed.): Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining (2nd ed.), Vol. IV. Information Science Reference, Hershey (2009), 2062-2066
F. Rehm, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Density-Based Multidimensional Scaling. In: A. Okada, T.
Imaizumi, H.-H. Bock, W. Gaul (eds.): Cooperation in Classification and Data Analysis. Springer,
Berlin (2009), 53-60
F. Höppner, F. Klawonn: Compensation of Translational Displacement in Time Series Clustering
using Cross Correlation. In: N.M. Adams, C. Robardet, A. Siebes, J.-F. Boulicaut (eds.): Advances
in Intelligent Data Analysis VIII. Springer, Berlin (2009), 71-82
F. Klawonn, D.D. Nauck, K. Tschumitschew: Measuring and Visualising Similarity of Customer Satisfaction Profiles for Different Customer Segments. In: E. Corchado, X. Wu, E. Oja, A. Herrero, B. Baruque (eds.): Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems (HAIS 2009). Springer, Berlin (2009), 60-67
K. Tschumitschew, F. Klawonn: AVEDA: Statistical Tests for Finding Interesting Visualisations. In: J.D. Velasquez, S.A. Rios, R.J. Howlett, L.C. Jain: Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems 2009, Part II, Springer, Berlin (2009), 236-243
F. Klawonn: Introduction to Computer Graphics: Using Java 2D and 3D. Springer, London (2008)
U. Bodenhofer, F. Klawonn: Robust Rank Correlation Coefficients on the Basis of Fuzzy Orderings: Initial Steps. Mathware and Soft Computing 15 (2008), 5-20
O. Georgieva, F. Klawonn: Dynamic Data Assigning Assessment Clustering of Streaming Data. Applied Soft Computing 8 (2008), 1305-1313
F. Höppner, F. Klawonn: Systems of Information Granules. In: W. Pedrycz, A. Skowron, V.
Kreinovich (eds.): Handbook of Granular Computing. Wiley, Chichester (2008), 187-203
F. Höppner, F. Klawonn: Clustering with Size Constraints. In: L.C. Jain, M. Sato-Ilic, M.
Virvou, G.A. Tsihrintzis, V.E. Balas, C. Abeynayake (eds.): Computational Intelligence Paradigms.
Springer, Berlin (2008), 167-180
F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Similarity Relations and Independence Concepts. In: G. Della Riccia, D.
Dubois, R. Kruse, H.-J. Lenz (eds.): Preferences and Similarities. Springer, Wien (2008), 179-196
F. Rehm, F. Klawonn: Improving Angle Based Mappings. In: C. Tang, C.X. Ling, X. Zhou, N.J.
Cercone, X. Li (eds.): Advanced Data Mining and Applications. Springer, Berlin (2008), 3-14
C. Hundertmark, F. Klawonn: Clustering Likelihood Curves: Finding Deviations from Single Clusters. In: E. Corchado, A. Abraham, W. Pedrycz (eds.): Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems (HAIS 2008). Springer, Berlin (2008), 385-391
V. Kolodyazhniy, F. Klawonn, K. Tschumitschew: A Neuro-Fuzzy Model for Dimensionality Reduction and its Application. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 15 (2007), 571-593
A.K. Nandi, F. Klawonn: Detecting Ambiguities in Regression Problems Using TSK Models. Soft Computing 11 (2007), 467-478
F. Rehm, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Visualization of Fuzzy Classifiers. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 15 (2007), 615-624
F. Rehm, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: A Novel Approach to Noise Clustering for Outlier Detection. Soft Computing 11 (2007), 489-494
P. Angelov, X. Zhou, F. Klawonn: Evolving Fuzzy Rule-based Classifiers. In: Proc. 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Image and Signal Processing (CIISP 2007). IEEE, Los Alamitos (2007), 220-225
F. Klawonn, C. Choi, B. Benkert, B. Thielen, R. Münch, M. Schobert, D. Schomburg, D. Jahn: A Likelihood Ratio Test for Differential Metabolic Profiles in Multiple Intensity Measurements. In: B. Apolloni, R.J. Howlett, L. Jain (eds.): Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Part II. Springer, Berlin (2007), 485-492
F. Rehm, F. Klawonn, G. Ruß, R. Kruse: Modern Data Visualization for Air Traffic Management. In: M. Reformat, M.R. Berthold (eds.): NAFIPS 2007 - 2007 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society. IEEE, Los Alamitos (2007), 19-24
F. Rehm, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Single Cluster Visualization to Optimize Air Traffic Management. In: R. Decker, H.-J. Lenz (eds.): Advances in Data Analysis. Springer, Berlin (2007), 319-325
K. Tschumitschew, F. Klawonn, F. Höppner, V. Kolodyazhniy: Landscape Multidimensional Scaling. In: M.R. Berthold, J. Shawe-Taylor, N. Lavrac: Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis VII. Springer, Berlin (2007) 263-273
K. Michels, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse, A. Nürnberger: Fuzzy Control: Fundamentals, Stability and Design of Fuzzy Controllers. Springer, Berlin (2006)
O. Georgieva, F. Klawonn: Cluster Analysis via the Dynamic Data Assigning Assessment Algorithm.
Information Technologies and Control 2/2006, 14-21
F. Klawonn: Reducing the Number of Parameters of a Fuzzy System Using Scaling Functions.
Soft Computing 10, (2006), 749-756
M. Scheer, F. Klawonn, R. Münch, A. Grote, K. Hiller, C. Choi, I. Koch, M. Schobert, E.
Härtig, U. Klages, D. Jahn: JProGO: A Novel Tool for the Functional Interpretation of Prokaryotic
Microarray Data Using Gene Ontology Information.
Nucleic Acids Research 34 (2006), W510-W515
F. Klawonn, O. Georgieva: Identifying Single Clusters in Large Data Sets. In: J. Wang (ed.): Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining. Idea Group, Hershey (2006), 582-585
F. Klawonn, F. Rehm: Clustering Techniques for Outlier Detection. In: J. Wang (ed.): Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining. Idea Group, Hershey (2006), 180-183
F. Eichinger, D.D. Nauck, F. Klawonn: Sequence Mining for Customer Behaviour Predictions in Telecommunications. In: ECML/PKDD 2006 Workshop on Practical Data Mining: Applications, Experiences and Challenges. Berlin (2006), 3-10
O. Georgieva, F. Klawonn: Evolving Clustering via the Dynamic Data Assigning Assessment Algorithm. In: Proc. 2006 International Symposium on Evolving Fuzzy Systems. IEEE, Ambleside, UK (2006), 95-100
F. Höppner, F. Klawonn: Visualising Clusters in High-Dimensional Data Sets by Intersecting Spheres. In: Proc. 2006 International Symposium on Evolving Fuzzy Systems. IEEE, Ambleside, UK (2006), 106-111
F. Klawonn: Identifying Single Good Clusters in Data Sets. In: N. Zheng, X. Jiang, X. Lan (eds.): Advances in Machine Vision, Image Processing, and Pattern Analysis. Springer, Berlin (2006), 160-167
F. Klawonn: Understanding and Controlling the Membership Degrees in Fuzzy Clustering. In: M. Spiliopoulou, R. Kruse, C. Borgelt, A. Nürnberger, W. Gaul (eds.): From Data and Information Analysis to Knowledge Engineering. Springer, Berlin (2006), 446-453
F. Klawonn: Subgroup Discovery Based on Ideas from Fuzzy Cluster Analysis. In: E. Hüllermeier, R. Kruse, A. Nürnberger, J. Strackeljahn: FSCS 2006 Symposium on Fuzzy Systems in Computer Science 2006, Magdeburg (2006), 80-84
F. Klawonn, P. Angelov: Evolving Extended Naive Bayes Classifiers. In: S. Tsumoto, C.W. Clifton,
N. Zhong, X. Wu, J. Liu, B.W. Wah, Y.-M. Cheung: Proc. Sixth IEEE International Conference on Data
Mining: Workshops. IEEE, Los Alamitos (2006), 643-647
F. Klawonn, F. Höppner: Equi-sized, Homogeneous Partitioning. In: B. Gabrys, R.J. Howlett,
L.C. Jain: Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Part II. Springer,
Berlin (2006), 70-77
F. Klawonn, C. Hundertmark, L. Jänsch: A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Noise Estimation for
Intensity Measurements in Biology. In: S. Tsumoto, C.W. Clifton, N. Zhong, X. Wu, J. Liu, B.W. Wah,
Y.-M. Cheung: Proc. Sixth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining: Workshops. IEEE, Los
Alamitos (2006), 180-184
F. Klawonn, D.D. Nauck: Automatically Determine Initial Fuzzy Partitions for Neuro-Fuzzy
Classifiers. In: 2006 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. IEEE, Vancouver, BC (2006),
F. Rehm, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: POLARMAP - Effizient Visualisation of High Dimensional Data.
In: E. Banissi, R.A. Burkhard, A. Ursyn, J.J. Zhang, M. Bannatyne, C. Maple, A.J. Cowell, G.Y.
Tian, M. Hou: Information Visualization. IEEE, London (2006), 731-740
F. Rehm, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Rule Classification Visualization of High-Dimensional Data.
In: Proc. Eleventh International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty
in Knowledge-based Systems (IPMU 2006), Editions E.D.K., Paris (2006), 1944-1948
F. Rehm, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Visualization of Single Clusters. In: L. Rutkowski, R. Tadeusiewicz, L.A. Zadeh, J. Zurada (eds.): Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing - ICAISC 2006. Springer, Berlin (2006), 663-671
F. Hoffmann, M. Köppen, F. Klawonn, R. Roy (eds.): Soft Computing: Methodologies and
Applications. Springer, Berlin (2005)
F. Klawonn: Grundkurs Computergrafik mit Java: Die Grundlagen verstehen und einfach umsetzen mit Java 3D. Vieweg, Wiesbaden (2005, 2. erweiterte Auflage 2009, 3. Auflage 2010)
A.K. Nandi, F. Klawonn: Detecting and Identifying Ambiguities in Regression Problems: An Approach Using a Modified Mountain Method. Intelligent Data Analysis 9 (2005), 455-472
C.S. Möller-Levet, F. Klawonn, K.-H. Cho, O. Wolkenhauer: Clustering of Unevenly Sampled Gene Expression Time-Series Data. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 152 (2005), 49-66
O. Georgieva, F. Klawonn, E. Haertig: Fuzzy Clustering of Macroarray Data. In: B. Reusch (ed.): Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications. Springer, Berlin (2005), 83-94
F. Rehm, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: MDS_polar: A new Approach for Dimension Reduction to Visualize High Dimensional Data. In: A.F. Famili, J.N. Kook, J.M. Pena, A. Siebes (eds.): Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis VI. Springer, Berlin (2005), 316-327
F. Rehm, F. Klawonn: Learning Methods for Air Traffic Management. In: L. Godo (ed.): Symbolic
and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty. Springer, Berlin (2005), 992-1001
F. Klawonn, K. Tschumitschew: A Classifier System-Based Learning Algorithm for Interpretable,
Adaptive Nearest Neighbour Classifiers. In: Proc. 1st Workshop on Genetic Fuzzy Systems. Granada
(2005), 64-67
I. Gerdes, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Evolutionäre Algorithmen. Reihe Computational Intelligence, Vieweg, Wiesbaden (2004)
U. Bodenhofer, F. Klawonn: A Formal Study of Linearity Axioms for Fuzzy Orderings.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 145 (2004), 323-354
F. Höppner, F. Klawonn: Learning in Fuzzy Systems - An Objective Function Approach.
Mathware and Soft Computing 11 (2004), 143-162
F. Klawonn: Fuzzy Clustering: Insights and a New Approach.
Mathware and Soft Computing 11 (2004), 125-142
F. Klawonn: Noise Clustering with a Fixed Fraction of Noise. In: A. Lotfi, J.M. Garibaldi
(eds.): Applications and Science in Soft Computing. Springer, Berlin (2004), 133-138
F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: The Inherent Indistinguishability in Fuzzy Systems. In: W. Lenski (ed.): Logic versus Approximation: Essays Dedicated to Michael M. Richter on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Springer, Berlin (2004), 6-17
A.K. Nandi, F. Klawonn: Detecting Ambiguities in Regression Problems Using TSK Models. IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems 2004, IEEE, Budapest (2004), 221-226
C. Borgelt, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse, D. Nauck: Neuro-Fuzzy-Systeme. Von den Grundlagen künstlicher Neuronaler Netze zur Kopplung mit Fuzzy-Systemen. Reihe Computational Intelligence, Vieweg, Wiesbaden (2003)
F. Höppner, F. Klawonn: A Contribution to Convergence Theory of Fuzzy c-Means and its
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 11 (2003), 682-694
F. Höppner, F. Klawonn: Improved Fuzzy Partitions for Fuzzy Regression Models.
Approximate Reasoning 32 (2003), 85-102
F. Klawonn: Should Fuzzy Equality and Similarity Satisfy Transitivity? Fuzzy Sets and Systems 133 (2003), 175-180
U. Bodenhofer, F. Klawonn: Linearity Axioms for Fuzzy Orderings: a Formal Review. In: B. De Baets, J. Fodor (eds.): Principles of Fuzzy Preference Modelling and Decision Making. Academia Press, Gent (2003), 1-14
F. Höppner, F. Klawonn: Learning Rules about the Development of Variables over Time. In: C.T. Leondes (ed.): Intelligent Systems: Technology and Applications vol. IV: Database and Learning Systems. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2003), 201-228
A. Keller, F. Klawonn: Adaptation of Cluster Sizes in Objective Function Based Fuzzy Clustering. In: C.T. Leondes (ed.): Intelligent Systems: Technology and Applications vol. IV: Database and Learning Systems. CRC Press, Boca Raton (2003), 181-199
F. Klawonn, V. Chekhtman, E. Janz: Visual Inspection of Fuzzy Clustering Results. In: J. Benitez, O. Cordon, F. Hoffmann, R. Roy (eds.): Advances in Soft Computing: Engineering Design and Manufacturing. Springer, London (2003), 65-76
B. von Schmidt, F. Klawonn: Extracting Fuzzy Classification Rules from Fuzzy Clusters on the
Basis of Separating Hyperplanes. In: J. Casillas, O. Cordon, F. Herrera, L. Magdalena (eds.):
Interpretability Issues in Fuzzy Modelling. Springer, Berlin (2003), 621-643
F. Klawonn, F. Höppner: What is Fuzzy About Fuzzy Clustering? Understanding and Improving the
Concept of the Fuzzifier. In: M.R. Berthold, H.-J. Lenz, E. Bradley, R. Kruse, C. Borgelt (eds.):
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis V. Springer, Berlin (2003), 254-264
F. Klawonn, F. Höppner: An Alternative Approach to the Fuzzifier in Fuzzy Clustering to Obtain Better Clustering Results. Proc. 3rd Eusflat Conference, Zittau (2003), 730-734
C.S. Möller-Levet, F. Klawonn, K.-H. Cho, O. Wolkenhauer: Fuzzy Clustering of Short Time-Series and Unevenly Distributed Sampling Points. In: M.R. Berthold, H.-J. Lenz, E. Bradley, R. Kruse, C. Borgelt (eds.): Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis V. Springer, Berlin (2003), 330-340
K. Michels, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse, A. Nürnberger: Fuzzy-Regelung: Grundlagen, Entwurf, Analyse. Reihe Springer Lehrbuch. Springer, Berlin (2002)
F. Höppner, F. Klawonn: Finding Informative Rules in Interval Sequences. Intelligent Data Analysis 6 (2002), 237-256
F. Höppner, F. Klawonn, P. Eklund: Learning Indistinguishability from Data. Soft Computing 6 (2002), 6-13
H. Timm, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: An Extension of Partially Supervised Fuzzy Cluster Analysis. In: Proc. 21th Intern. Conf. of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - NAFIPS. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2002), 63-68
F. Höppner, F. Klawonn: A New Approach to Fuzzy Partitioning. Proc. of the Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference, Vancouver (2001), 1419-1424
A. Keller, F. Klawonn: Fuzzy Clustering with Weighting of Data Variables. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 8 (2000), 735-746
F. Klawonn: Fuzzy Points, Fuzzy Relations and Fuzzy Functions. In: V. Novak, I. Perfilieva (eds.): Discovering the World with Fuzzy Logic. Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg (2000), 431-453
F. Höppner, F. Klawonn: Obtaining Interpretable Fuzzy Models from Fuzzy Clustering and Fuzzy Regression. In: R.J. Howlett, L.C. Jain (eds.): Proc. 4th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies (KES'2000). IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2000), 162-165
F. Höppner, F. Klawonn: Fuzzy Clustering of Sampled Functions. In: T. Whalen (ed.): Proc. 19th Intern. Conf. of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - NAFIPS. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2000), 251-255
B. von Schmidt, F. Klawonn: Construction of Fuzzy Classification Systems with the Lukasiewicz-t-Norm. Proc. 19th Intern. Conf. of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - NAFIPS. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (2000), 109-113
F. Höppner, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse, T. Runkler: Fuzzy Cluster Analysis. Wiley, Chichester (1999)
B. von Schmidt, F. Klawonn: Fuzzy Max-Min Classifiers Decide Locally on the Basis of Two Attributes. Mathware and Soft Computing 6 (1999), 91-108
F. Klawonn: The Role of Similarity in Fuzzy Reasoning. In: D. Dubois, H. Prade, E.P. Klement (eds.): Fuzzy Sets, Logics and Reasoning About Knowledge. Kluwer, Dordrecht (1999), 243-253
F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Techniques and Applications of Control Systems Based on Knowledge-Based Interpolation. In: C.T. Leondes (ed.): Fuzzy Theory Systems: Techniques and Applications. Academic Press, San Diego (1999), 431-460
A. Keller, F. Klawonn: Fuzzy Clustering with a Weighting of Data Variables. Proc. 1999 Eusflat-Estylf Joint Conference, Palma de Mallorca (1999), 497-500
A. Keller, F. Klawonn: Context Sensitive Fuzzy Clustering. In: R.J. Dave, T. Sudkamp: Proc. 18th
Intern. Conf. of the North
American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - NAFIPS. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ (1999),
F. Klawonn, A. Keller: Fuzzy Clustering Based on Modified Distance Measures. In: D.J. Hand, J.N. Kok, M.R. Berthold (eds.): Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis. Springer, Berlin (1999), 291-301
F. Klawonn, A. Keller: Fuzzy Clustering with Evolutionary Algorithms.
Intelligent Systems 13 (1998), 975-991
L. Pickert, I. Reuter, F. Klawonn, E. Wingender: Transcription Regulatory Region Analysis Using Signal Detection and Fuzzy Clustering. Bioinformatics 14 (1998), 244-251
A. Keller, F. Klawonn: Generating Classification Rules by Grid Clustering. In: R. Felix (ed.): Proc. Third European Workshop on Fuzzy Decision Analysis and Neural Networks for Management, Planning and Optimization. Dortmund (1998), 113-121
H. Timm, F. Klawonn: Classification of Data with Missing Values. Proc. 6th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT'98). Aachen (1998), 639-643
D. Nauck, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Neuro-Fuzzy Systems. Wiley, Chichester (1997)
F. Höppner, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Fuzzy-Clusteranalyse: Verfahren für die Bilderkennung, Klassifikation und Datenanalyse. Reihe Computational Intelligence, Vieweg, Braunschweig (1997)
F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Constructing a Fuzzy Controller from Data. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 85 (1997), 177-193
R. Kruse, F. Klawonn, D. Nauck: Erlernen von Fuzzy-Regeln. Informatik Forschung und Entwicklung 12 (1997), 2-6
F. Klawonn, R. Kruse, H. Timm: Fuzzy Shell Cluster Analysis. In: G. Della Riccia, H.J. Lenz, R. Kruse (eds.): Learning, Networks and Statistics. Springer, Wien (1997), 105-120
M. Schröder, R. Petersen, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Two Paradigms of Automotive Fuzzy Logic Applications. In: M. Jamshidi, A. Titli, L. Zadeh, S. Boverie: Applications of Fuzzy Logic. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ (1997), 153-174
F. Klawonn, E.-P. Klement: Mathematical Analysis of Fuzzy Classifiers. In: X. Liu, P. Cohen, M. Berthold (eds.): Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis. Springer, Berlin (1997), 359-370
F. Klawonn, A. Keller: Fuzzy Clustering and Fuzzy Rules. Proc. 7th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress (IFSA'97) Vol. I, Academia, Prague (1997), 193-198
F. Klawonn: Fuzzy Clustering with Evolutionary Algorithms. Proc. 7th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress (IFSA'97) Vol. II, Academia, Prague (1997), 312-317
L. Pickert, F. Klawonn, E. Wingender: Fuzzy Cluster Analysis for Identification of Gene Regulating Regions. Proc. 7th International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress (IFSA'97) Vol. IV, Academia, Prague (1997), 56-61
F. Klawonn, V. Novak: The Relation between Inference and Interpolation in the Framework of Fuzzy Systems. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 81 (1996), 331-354
M. Schröder, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Sequential Optimization of Multidimensional Controllers Using Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Situations. In: F. Herrera, J.L. Verdegay: Genetic Algorithms and Soft Computing. Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg (1996), 419-444
D. Nauck, F. Klawonn: Neuro-Fuzzy Classification Initialized by Fuzzy Clustering. Proc. Fourth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT'96), Aachen (1996), 1551-1555
R. Kruse, D. Nauck, F. Klawonn: Neuronale Fuzzy-Systeme.
Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Juni 1995, 34-41, (ebenfalls abgedruckt im: Spektrum
der Wissenschaft Dossier 4/97: Kopf oder Computer (1997), 92-99)
F. Klawonn, J. Gebhardt, R. Kruse: Fuzzy Control on the Basis of Equality Relations - with an
Example from Idle Speed Control.
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 3 (1995), 336-350
F. Klawonn, J.L. Castro: Similarity in Fuzzy Reasoning. Mathware and Soft Computing 2 (1995), 197-228
F. Klawonn: Prolog Extensions to Many-Valued Logics. In: U. Höhle, E.P. Klement (eds.):
Non-Classical Logics and their Applications to Fuzzy Subsets. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht
(1995), 271-289
F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Derivation of Fuzzy Classification Rules from Multidimensional Data.
In: G.E. Lasker, X. Liu (eds.): Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis. The International Institute
for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics, Windsor, Ontario (1995), 90-94
F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Clustering Methods in Fuzzy Control. In: W. Gaul, D. Pfeifer (eds.): From Data to Knowledge: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Classification, Data Analysis and Knowledge Organization. Springer, Berlin (1995), 195-202
F. Klawonn: Similarity Based Reasoning. Proc. Third European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT'95), Aachen (1995), 34-38
F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Automatic Generation of Fuzzy Controllers by Fuzzy Clustering. Proc. 1995 IEEE Intern. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vancouver (1995), 2040-2045
M. Schröder, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Situations for Sequential Optimization of Control Surfaces. Proc. ISUMA/NAFIPS'95, Maryland (1995), 777-781
F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Indistinguishability, Fuzzy Sets, and Fuzzy Control. Mitt. Math. Ges. Hamburg 14 (1995), 103-116
F. Klawonn: Applications of Fuzzy Systems: Experiences from Industrial Cooperations. Proc. Current Issues on Fuzzy Technologies (CIFT'95), Trient (1995), 136-138
F. Klawonn: The Connection Between Interpolation in Vague Environments and Fuzzy Control. Tatra Mountains Math. Publ. 6 (1995), 63-74
F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: From Fuzzy Sets to Indistinguishability and Back. Proc. of the Intern. ICSC Symposium on Fuzzy Logic, ICSC Academic Press, Zürich (1995), 57-59
D. Nauck, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Neuronale Netze und Fuzzy-Systeme: Grundlagen des Konnektionismus, Neuronaler Fuzzy-Systeme und der Kopplung mit wissensbasierten Methoden. Reihe Computational Intelligence, Vieweg, Braunschweig (1994, 2. erweiterte Auflage 1996)
R. Kruse, J. Gebhardt, F. Klawonn: Foundations of Fuzzy Systems. Wiley, Chichester (1994)
F. Klawonn: Fuzzy Sets and Vague Environments. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 66 (1994), 207-221
F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: A Lukasiewicz Logic Based Prolog. Mathware and Soft Computing 1 (1994), 5-29
J. Hopf, F. Klawonn: Learning the Rule Base of a Fuzzy Controller by a Genetic Algorithm. In: R. Kruse, J. Gebhardt, R. Palm (eds.): Fuzzy Systems in Computer Science. Vieweg, Braunschweig (1994), 63-74
R. Kruse, F. Klawonn: Mass Distributions on L-Fuzzy Sets and Families of Frames of Discernment. In: R.R. Yager, M. Fedrizzi, J. Kacprzyk (eds.): Advances in the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence. Wiley, New York (1994), 239-250
J. Kinzel, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Modifications of Genetic Algorithms for Designing and Optimizing Fuzzy Controllers. Proc. IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE, Orlando (1994), 28-33
R. Kruse, J. Gebhardt, F. Klawonn: A Fuzzy Controller for Idle Speed Regulation. In: E. Deaton, D. Oppenheim, J. Urban, H. Berghel (eds.): Proc. 1994 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. ACM Press, New York (1994), 155-160
F. Klawonn: Genetic Programming. In: J. Hopf (ed.): Genetic Algorithms within the Framework of Evolutionary Computation. Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken (1994), 27-32
F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Fuzzy Partitions and Transformations. Proc. 3rd IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems, IEEE, Orlando (1994), 1269-1273
J. Kinzel, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Anpassung Genetischer Algorithmen zum Erlernen und Optimieren von Fuzzy-Reglern. In: B. Reusch (ed.): Fuzzy Logik, Springer, Berlin (1994), 103-110
J. Beckmann, J. Gebhardt, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Possibilistic Inference and Data Fusion. Proc. Second European Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Technologies (EUFIT'94), Aachen (1994), 46-47
M. Hartmann, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse, K. Petras: Constructing Rule Bases and Fuzzy Sets for Interpolation: Experiences from Quality Evaluation. Proc. Second European Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Technologies (EUFIT'94), Aachen (1994), 1671-1673
R. Kruse, J. Gebhardt, F. Klawonn: Fuzzy-Systeme. Leitfäden und Monographien der Informatik, Teubner-Verlag, Stuttgart (1993, 2. Auflage 1995)
F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Equality Relations as a Basis for Fuzzy Control. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 54 (1993), 147-156
D. Krafzig, F. Klawonn, H. Gutz: Theoretical Analysis of the Effects of Mitotic Crossover in Large Yeast Populations. Yeast 9 (1993), 1093-1098
R. Kruse, J. Gebhardt, F. Klawonn: Numerical and Logical Approaches to Fuzzy Set Theory by the Context Model. In: R. Lowen, M. Roubens (eds.): Fuzzy Logic: State of the Art. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (1993), 365-376
D. Nauck, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Combining Neural Networks and Fuzzy Controllers. In: E.P. Klement, W. Slany (eds.): Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence. Springer, Berlin (1993), 35-46
R. Kruse, J. Gebhardt, F. Klawonn: On the Interpretation of Fuzzy Controllers. Proc. Fifth International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress '93, Vol. II, Seoul (1993), 818-821
F. Klawonn: Mamdani's Model in the View of Equality Relations. Proc. First European Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Technologies (EUFIT'93), Aachen (1993), 364-369
F. Klawonn, J. Gebhardt, R. Kruse: The Context Model from the Viewpoint of Logic. In: K.-W. Hansmann, A. Bachem, M. Jarke, W.E. Katzenberger, A. Marusev: Operations Research Proceedings 1992. Springer, Berlin (1993), 288-295
F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Fuzzy Control as Interpolation on the Basis of Equality Relations. Proc. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 1993, IEEE, San Francisco (1993), 1125-1130
F. Klawonn, E. Schwecke: On the Axiomatic Justification of Dempster's Rule of Combination. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 7 (1992), 469-478
P. Eklund, F. Klawonn: Neural Fuzzy Logic Programming. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 3 (1992), 815-818
F. Klawonn: Fuzzy Unit Interval and Fuzzy Paths. In: S.E. Rodabaugh, E.P. Klement, U. Höhle (eds.): Applications of Category Theory to Fuzzy Subsets. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (1992), 245-256
D. Nauck, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse, U. Lohs: Reasoning under Uncertainty with Temporal Aspects. In: F. Belli, F.J. Radermacher (eds.): Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. Springer, Berlin (1992), 572-580
F. Klawonn, P. Smets: The Dynamic of Belief in the Transferable Belief Model and Specialization-Generalization Matrices. In: D. Dubois, M.P. Wellman, B. D'Ambrosio, P. Smets (eds.): Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo (1992), 130-137
R. Kruse, F. Klawonn: Numerische Methoden zur Verarbeitung unsicherer Informationen in wissensbasierten Systemen. In: O. Günther, H. Kuhn, R. Mayer-Föll, F.J. Radermacher (eds.): Konzeption und Einsatz von Umweltinformationssystemen. Springer, Berlin (1992), 169-176
D. Nauck, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse: Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Controllers, and Neural Networks. Wiss. Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, R. Medizin 41-4 (1992), 99-120
F. Klawonn, J. Gebhardt, R. Kruse: Logical Approaches to Uncertainty and Vagueness in the View of the Context Model. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems 1992, IEEE, San Diego (1992), 1375-1382
F. Klawonn: On a Lukasiewicz Logic Based Controller. In: MEPP'92 International Seminar on Fuzzy Control through Neural Interpretations of Fuzzy Sets. Abo Akademi, Reports on Computer Science & Mathematics, Ser. B. No 14, Turku (1992), 53-56
U. Höhle, F. Klawonn: Fuzzy Control und Ununterscheidbarkeit. Proc. VDE-Fachtagung Technische Anwendungen von Fuzzy-Systemen. Dortmund (1992), 3-9
P. Eklund, F. Klawonn, D. Nauck: Distributing Errors in Neural Fuzzy Control. Proc. 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks (Iizuka '92). Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute, Iizuka (1992), 1139-1142
R. Kruse, J. Gebhardt, F. Klawonn: Modellierung von Vagheit und Unsicherheit. KI (Künstliche Intelligenz) 4/91 (1991), 13-17
R. Kruse, E. Schwecke, F. Klawonn: On a Tool for Reasoning with Mass Distributions. Proc. 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-91) Vol. 2. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, California (1991), 1190-1195
R. Kruse, D. Nauck, F. Klawonn: Reasoning with Mass Distributions. In: B.D. D'Ambrosio, P. Smets, P.P. Bonissone (eds.): Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, California (1991), 182-187
R. Kruse, J. Gebhardt, F. Klawonn: Reasoning with Mass Distributions and the Context Model. In: R. Kruse, P. Siegel (eds.): Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Uncertainty. Springer, Berlin (1991), 81-85
P. Eklund, F. Klawonn: A Formal Framework for Fuzzy Logic Based Diagnosis. In: R. Lowen, M. Roubens (eds.): Proc. 4th International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) Congress: Mathematics. Brussels (1991), 58-61
F. Klawonn: Homotopy Theory in the Category of Fuzzy Topological Spaces. In: R. Lowen, M. Roubens (eds.): Proc. 4th International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA) Congress: Mathematics. Brussels (1991), 113-116
F. Klawonn: On the Product of Fuzzy Paths. In: J.C. Bezdek (ed.): Proc. 3rd International Fuzzy
Systems Association (IFSA)
Congress. Seattle (USA) (1989), 269-271