Lecturer: C. Schütz, Presiding District Court Judge
Description: tba.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. iur. A. Rogmann, LLM (Murdoch)
Description: Foreign trade law covers the rules to conduct trade between countries
or groups of countries like the European Union. Core aspects of the lecture: Trade liberalisation
and facilitation vs. trade restrictions (customs duties, quantitative restrictions, trade
preferences, anti-dumping, countervailing and safeguard measures), international and European
export control law (Export Control Regimes, EU Dual-Use Regulation).
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. iur. A. Rogmann, LLM (Murdoch)
Description: Customs law is enacted to control import and export of goods to levy
customs duties and to implement non-tariff trade restrictions. Core aspects of the lecture:
International customs law (especially Revised Kyoto Convention, Harmonised System, WTO customs
valuation rules), customs law of the European Union (legal sources, core elements of customs
legislation, customs debt and customs procedures).
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. jur. T. Zech, LL.M. (Miami)
Description: The lecture will cover the following topics: international sales (CISG-rules), international (trade terms and their applications), international financing (financing of foreign trade, letters of credit).
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. jur. T. Zech, LL.M. (Miami)
Description: This lecture will offer insights into taxation rights and tax duties, relief of double taxation (national laws, double tax treaties (coverage of double tax treaties, provisions of the OECD-MC, methods of avoidance of double taxation), tax avoidance and tax evasion (transfer Pricing, thin capitalization, CFC-rules, licence agreements).
Lecturer: Jörg von Manger-Koenig
Description: This course will complete the International Program with insights into the work of the General Counsel/in-house counsel of a private stock-listed enterprise.
Based on practical cases the course will focus on the role of the General Counsel / in-house counsel, main fields of activities, key interfaces with external and internal stakeholder, selected topics like litigation matters, corporate law, governance and compliance, M&A.