Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Gerndt & Prof. Dr. Tobias Dörnbach
Schulz, D., Unbehaun, D., & Doernbach, T. (2025).
Investigating the Effects of Embodiment on Presence and Perception in Remote Physician Video
Consultations: A Between-Participants Study Comparing a Tablet and a Telepresence Robot, i-com
- Journal of Interactive Media, Special Issue on AI and Robotic Systems in Healthcare,
Doernbach, T. & Gerndt, R. (2024).
Scenario-Based Learning in Human-Robot Interaction: Embedding User-Centered Design into
Computer Science Education, International Conference on Social Robotics + AI.
Giffhorn, D., Lara Pereira, M., Doernbach, T., & Gerndt, R. (2024).
Low-cost educational robot for museums and exhibitions, Robotics in Education.
Doernbach, T. (2024). Looking for the Human in HRI Teaching: User-Centered
Course Design for Tech-Savvy Students.
HRI-101: Crafting an Introductory Course Workshop (HRI 2024). Human-Robot
Weike, M., Ruske, K., Gerndt, R., & Doernbach, T. (2024).
Enabling Untrained Users to Shape Real-World Robot Behavior Using an Intuitive Visual
Programming Tool in Human-Robot Interaction Scenarios. International Symposium on
Technological Advances in Human-Robot Interaction.
Baltes, J., Gerndt, R., Saeedvand, S., Sadeghnejad, S., Čížek, P., Faigl, J.
(2023). Learning Through Competitions—The FIRA Youth Mission Impossible Competition.
Robotics in Education, 10.1007/978-3-031-38454-7_31.
Bongert, C., Gerndt, R. (2023). Evaluation of a Robotic System in Secondary
Robotics in Education, 10.1007/978-3-031-38454-7_5.
Sodre, H., Moraes, P., Rodríguez, M., Castelli, V., Barboza, P., Mattos, M.,
Vivas, G., De Vargas, B., Grando, R., & Doernbach, T. (2023). Aplicación de robots humanoides
como guías interactivos en museos: Una simulación con el robot Nao.
5. Feria Binacional de Tecnología (FEBITEC),. 5. Feria Binacional de Tecnología (FEBITEC),
Krebs, S., Hasseler, M., Lose, G., Gerndt, R. (2023). Der Roboter "CRUZR" in
einer Pflegeeinrichtung. Empirische Untersuchung zu technischen Möglichkeiten und sinnvollen
Einsatzmöglichkeiten aus der Perspektive einer Pflegeeinrichtung.
6. Clusterkonferenz. Mit Pflegeinnovationen die Zukunft gestalten – menschlich, professionell,
Baltes, J., Gerndt, R., Sadeghnejad, S., Saeedvand, S., Sun, Y.-H., Tu,
K.-Y.. (2023). A Hands-On Approach to Humanoid Robots Education.
International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems,
Niermann, D., Doernbach, T., Petzoldt, C., Isken, M., & Freitag, M.
(2023). Software framework concept with visual programming and digital twin for intuitive process
creation with multiple robotic systems.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing,
Niermann, D., Petzoldt, C., Doernbach, T., Isken, M., & Freitag, M.
(2022). Towards a Novel Software Framework for the Intuitive Generation of Process Flows for
Multiple Robotic Systems.
CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems.
Petzoldt, C., Panter, L., Niermann, D., Vur, B., Freitag, M., Doernbach, T.,
Isken, M., & Sharma Acharya, A. (2021). Intuitive Interaktionsschnittstelle für technische
Industrie 4.0 Management,
37(6), 42–46.
Heuer, T., Schiering, I., Gerndt, R. (2021). Privacy framework for
context-aware robot development.
Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics. 12. 468-480. 10.1515/pjbr-2021-0032
Gerndt, R., Lüssem, J,. (2020). From Concept Inventories to Robotic
International Conference EduRobotics, 10.1007/978-3-030-18141-3_19
Mueller, C., Gomez Chavez, A., Doernbach, T., Köhntopp, D., & Birk, A.
(2020). Continuous system integration and validation for underwater perception in offshore
inspection and intervention tasks. In
Fundamental design and automation technologies in offshore robotics (pp. 9–75). Elsevier.
Doernbach, T. (2019). Self-Supervised Damage-Avoiding Manipulation Strategy
Optimization via Mental Simulation.
Intelligent Service Robotics,
12(4), 333–357.
Heuer, T., Schiering, I., Gerndt, R. (2019). Privacy-centered design for
social robots.
Interaction Studies. 20. 509-529. 10.1075/is.18063.heu.
Justinger, J., Heuer, T., Schiering, I., Gerndt, R. (2019). Forgetfulness as
a feature: Imitation of Human Weaknesses for Realizing Privacy Requirements.
Mensch und Computer 2019. 825-830. 10.1145/3340764.3344916.
Gomez Chavez, A., Mueller, C., Doernbach, T., & Birk, A. (2019).
Underwater navigation using visual markers in the context of intervention missions.
Special Collection on Advanced Navigation Technology for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles,
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems.
Mueller, C., Doernbach, T., Gomez Chavez, A., Koehntopp, D., & Birk, A.
(2018). Robust continuous system integration for critical deep-sea robot operations using
knowledge-enabled simulation in the loop.
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.
Birk, A., Doernbach, T., Müller, C., Luczynski, T., Gomez Chavez, A.,
Köhntopp, D., et al. (2018). Dexterous Underwater Manipulation from Onshore Locations: Streamlining
Efficiencies for Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles.
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine,
25(4), 24–33.