Eine Gruppe BELS-Studierender nahm vom 31.10. bis 3.11.2023 an der
MUNOM 2023 – der „Model United Nations of Malmö“ – in Schweden teil. Zum Thema „Promoting inclusive
and sustainable innovation (Förderung inklusiver und nachhaltiger Innovation)“ berieten Studierende
aus aller Welt vier Tage lang in unterschiedlichen Zusammensetzungen, wie die globalen
Herausforderungen zwischen Migration, Kriegen und Klimawandel durch Verhandlungen innerhalb der
internationalen Staaten-Gemeinschaft gelöst werden könnten.
„Model UN“ ist eine Simulation der Gremien bei den Vereinten Nationen. Die Teilnehmenden sind dabei Vertreter*innen eines Landes, das z.B. in der UN-Vollversammlung die Frage nach der Durchführung von Militäroperationen (so genannte „humanitäre Interventionen“) erörtert. Im Vorfeld hatte jeder Teilnehmende ein Positionspapier erarbeitet, das es im Verlauf der Debatten in den Gremien zu präsentieren bzw. deren Forderungen es in Resolutionen umzusetzen galt.
In Vorbereitung auf die Konferenz hatten sich unsere Studierenden im
wöchentlichen Vorbereitungskurs (dem Wahlpflichtfach Model UN) mit den von den schwedischen
Organisatoren vorgegebenen Themen befasst. So beschäftigte sich u.a. die „General Assembly“ (die
Vollversammlung der UN) mit dem Einsatz biologischer Waffen, dem Einsatz von künstlicher
Intelligenz (KI) in der Kriegsführung und mit der Frage nach der Unabhängigkeit der kurdischen
Gebiete. In der UN-Frauenrechtskommission gingen die Teilnehmenden der Frage nach, wie Frauen und
Mädchen der Zugang zu Bildung, Wissenschaft und Technologie erleichtert werden kann. Das UN-Office
für Drogen- und Verbrechensbekämpfung thematisierte die Rolle der Zivilgesellschaft bei der
Drogenbekämpfung und erörterte die Verbindung von Cyber- und Identitäts-Kriminalität.
Als Repräsentanten der Länder Iran, Irak, Saudi-Arabien, Japan, Syrien und Sudan mussten die BELS-Studierenden teilweise die Haltungen ihrer jeweiligen Nationen zu den Themen vertreten, die ihren persönlichen Auffassungen konträr entgegenstanden. So erhielten die BELSianer einen guten Einblick in die Arbeitswelt bei internationalen Organisationen und der internationalen Diplomatie, wo es auch um Vermittlung, Verhandlung, Verständigung und Akzeptanz über unterschiedliche Positionen hinweg geht.
Einen interessanten Einblick in das Berufsfeld internationaler Organisationen erhielten die MUN-Teilnehmenden durch die Erfahrungsberichte zweier „Senior Officials“, die von ihrem Arbeitsalltag bei der „UN Migration Agency“ und bei dem „EU-UN Agri-Food Business Development Programme“ der International Labour Organization (ILO) berichteten. Gute Einstiegsmöglichkeiten eröffnen hier die unterschiedlichen Nachwuchsprogramme (u.a. das „Junior Professional Officer-Programme“), für die sich Absolvent*innen regelmäßig bewerben können.
Vom 9. bis 15. Juli nahmen 17 BELS-Studierende zum Abschluss
des Wahlpflichtfachs „Model United Nations (Model UN)“ an der TEIMUN-Konferenz in Den Haag teil.
Bereits zum 35. Mal und mit Teilnehmenden aus aller Welt ist „The European International Model
United Nations“ – TEIMUN – eine der ältesten und größten Model-UN-Konferenzen. Das Thema der
diesjährigen Konferenz lautete „Beyond Truth: Mastering the Paradox of Information.“
„Model UN“ ist eine Simulation von Gremiensitzungen bei den Vereinten Nationen, der NATO und anderer internationaler Organisationen. Die Teilnehmenden sind dabei Vertreter*innen eines Landes, das z.B. im UN-Sicherheitsrat den Konflikt in der Ukraine berät, beim Internationalen Gerichtshof Verhandlungen simuliert oder bei der NATO über Krieg und Frieden entscheidet.
Im Vorfeld hatte jeder Teilnehmende ein Positionspapier erarbeitet, das es im Verlauf der Debatten in den Gremien zu präsentieren und deren Forderungen es in Resolutionen oder als Grundlage eines Urteils umzusetzen galt.
Unsere BELS-Studierenden waren in verschiedenen Gremien vertreten: Zum einen als Richter und Anwälte beim Internationalen Gerichtshof (International Court of Justice – ICJ), der in Wirklichkeit nur unweit des Tagungsortes in Den Haag liegt. Dieser behandelte zwei Fälle: Ukraine vs. Russland – Hat Russland auf dem Territorium der Ukraine Völkermord begangen? – Und: Die rechtlichen Folgen der Politik Israels in den besetzten palästinensischen Gebieten.
In der „North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)“ wurden die Themen „Cyberwarfare“ und „ Menschenhandel im Kosovo“ diskutiert, während sich das „United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)“ mit „Opferhilfe und dem Schutz vor grenzüberschreitender, organisierter Kriminalität“ sowie mit „Empowering Women and Girls – Verhinderung von Menschenhandel und Bekämpfung genderbasierter Gewalt“ befasste.
Auf der Agenda des UN-Sicherheitsrats standen „Preventing and Managing Cyber Terrorism“ und „der Rückzug der USA aus dem Mittleren Osten und die atomare Bedrohung“.
Ein umfangreiches und buntes Rahmenprogramm mit Schnitzeljagd („scavenger hunt“) durch Den Haag, Galaabend und Beachparty rundete die sechstägige Konferenz ab.
Wir gratulieren allen Teilnehmenden zu ihren Leistungen und freuen uns auf die nächste Model-UN-Konferenz!
Rund 500 Teilnehmende aus aller Welt und drei
Preise für Studierende unserer Fakultät – das ist die erfolgreiche Bilanz bei der
Model-United-Nations-Konferenz in Rom vom 26.2. bis 1.3.. Die BELS war zum Abschluss des
Wahlpflichtfachs „Model UN“ mit 20 Studierenden in die ewige Stadt gereist, wo die zuvor im
Semester theoretisch erworbenen Kenntnisse erstmals praktisch ausprobiert werden konnten.
„Model UN“ ist eine Simulation der Gremien bei den Vereinten Nationen. Die Teilnehmenden sind dabei Vertreter*innen eines Landes, das z.B. im UN-Sicherheitsrat den Konflikt in Mali berät oder im UNHCR-Komitee die Auswirkungen von Migration behandelt. Im Vorfeld hatte jeder Teilnehmer ein Positionspapier erarbeitet, das es im Verlauf der Debatten in den Gremien zu präsentieren bzw. deren Forderungen es in Resolutionen umzusetzen galt.
Drei BELS-Studierende wurden von der italienischen Jury nun für ihre besonderen Leistungen
ausgezeichnet: Carina Bente (ILB-Studierende) wurde als „ Honourable Delegate“ während der
Konferenz geehrt. Sie hatte die Delegation Chinas im UN-Sicherheitsrat zum Kaschmir-Konflikt
Marie Pirch (RPP-Studierende) als Delegierte Albaniens wurde von der Jury für ihre Performance im UN-Sicherheitsrat zum Kaschmir-Konflikt als „Distinguished Delegate“ geehrt.
Lisa Ackermann (ILB-Studierende) hatte im Vorfeld das beste Positionspapier zur Debatte im UN-Sicherheitsrat zum Mali-Konflikt eingereicht. Sie repräsentierte die Delegation Gabuns.
Die Exkursion zur Konferenz wurde gefördert durch die Stadt Wolfenbüttel und die Bürgerstiftung Braunschweig.
Wir gratulieren allen Teilnehmenden zu ihren Leistungen und freuen uns auf die nächste Model-UN-Konferenz!
After long and intense preparations BELS delegates were finally able to travel to
New York City, USA to represent the country of China in various committees at the UN headquarters
in New York, USA. The topics covered in the General Assembly 1 (GA1) were: Weapons of Terror:
Non-proliferation of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Arms/Children in armed conflicts/The
proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in South Asia. In UNEP Committee (UN Environment
Programme) the following topics were on the agenda: Developing disaster risk reduction capabilities
on areas affected by natural hazards/Conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine
resources and The use of Biotechnologies: Protection of Human Health and biodiversity. The World
Health Organization (WHO) discussed and tried to find consensus on: Accelerating our response to
address non-communicable diseases (NCD's) for the health and well-being of present and future
generations/The health implications of climate change and The health and social effects of
nonmedical cannabis use. Within the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Challenges and
opportunities in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of rural women and girls were
discussed. Also, delegates tried to find consensus on Women's economic empowerment in the changing
world of work as well as discussing Social protection systems, access to public services and
sustainable infrastructure for gender equality. The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) were
addressing and working on the following topics: International cooperation to address and counter
the world drug problem/Strengthening efforts to prevent drug abuse in educational settings and
Promoting the implementation of technology systems to stop illicit trade. At this Model United
Nations conference, three Security Councils were present. Security Council 1 discussed the
situation in the Middle East, Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts
and Post-conflict peacebuilding. Security Council 2 discussed Protection of civilians in armed
conflicts, The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Non-proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction. Security Council 3 was working on Women: peace and security/Conflict
prevention in Africa and The situation in South Sudan.
Also part of the excursion to New York was a guided tour of New York City, a trip with Staten Island Ferries, a guided tour of New York Public Library and a tour to the Statue of Liberty as well as to Ellis Island. We are looking back on an unforgettable and enjoyable time.
Text and pictures by Anna-Theresia Krein M.A.
Delegation BELS bei der MUN-Konferenz in Rom:
Aylin Bal, Ahmed Tahar Benmaghnia, Sibel Cimen, Marlin Dogan, Marcel Engelmann, Susanna Hesko, Paula-Marie Hytra, Wiebke Janßen, Amira Jindy, Sema Karakas, Eylem Korkmaz, Bedirhan Kurucu, Tanaz Moavenian, Josephin Paula Rönker, Yonca Saklica, Caroline Seewald, Jennyfer Svensson, Fabian Treiber, Lea Wallenta, Süheda Yakisan
Erfolgreiche Model United Nations Konferenz (MUN) in Rom – Auszeichnung für Josephin Paula Rönker als „Distinguished Delegate“
Vom 27.2.-5.3.2018 nahmen 20 Studierende der BELS unter der Leitung von Anna-Theresia Krein, M.A. an einer englischsprachigen Model United Nations Konferenz (MUN) in Rom teil. An der BELS ist die Teilnahme an MUN-Konferenzen im Ausland durch das Belegen eines Wahlpflichtfaches möglich. Neben der obligatorischen Stadtführung durch die Zeit der römischen Antike standen intensive Diskussionen, Verhandlungen und die Anfertigung von UN-Resolutionen auf der Agenda. Frau Josephin Paula Rönker wurde von den insgesamt 91 Teilnehmern in dem Komitee United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) als Abgeordnete von Kolumbien verdient als „Distinguished Delegate“ ausgezeichnet. Die nächste Konferenzteilnahme im Wintersemester 2018/2019 ist bereits in Planung. Das attraktive Konzept „Model United Nations“ gehört mittlerweile zum festen Bestandteil der Lehre an der BELS und ergänzt die vielfältigen Aktivitäten an der Fakultät zum Themenfeld UN und SDGs. Weitere Informationen hierzu sind jederzeit bei Frau Krein (a.krein@ostfalia.de) erhältlich.
Informationen zu dem Thema MUN im Kontext der UN und SDGs finden Sie hier: https://www.ostfalia.de/cms/de/r/BELS-und-UN-SDGs/
und hier: https://www.ostfalia.de/cms/de/r/BELS-und-UN-SDGs/mun-bels/
Unsere als "distinguished delegate" ausgezeichnete Studierende Jospehin Paula Rönker
Die BELS-Delegation auf der Spanischen Treppe in Rom
Picture of BELS Delegation at Opening Ceremony of Rhodes MRC, taken on 11th of October 2017 at
the Palace of the Grand Master in Rhodes
And another successful conference was completed by Brunswick European Law School (BELS). After intense preparations and a lot of practice – even before semester officially started!- 17 students and one Faculty Advisor finally arrived in Rhodes after a three and a half hour flight from Hamburg airport on the eve of the 10 th of October 2017.
We were happy and pleased to check in to Rhodes STAY Hostel and after some unpacking went to get dinner together as a delegation at a Greek restaurant in Rhodes New Town. On 11 th of October we were able to discover our surroundings in the morning, enjoying sunny Rhodes with degrees around 24 Celsius. We were also able to register as delegation in Manousos Hotel and received our badges to be able to enter the Opening Ceremony planned later during the day.
Impressively the Opening Ceremony this time took place in the Palace of the Grand Master. Excitedly we waited for the Opening Ceremony to finally start and we were not disappointed. After the Greek National Anthem was played by the Band of the 95 th National Guard Higher Command also the European Anthem was played. This was followed by a long list of speakers welcoming all guests of Rhodes MRC. Among others, Mrs. Charoula Giasiranis (Council Member for Education and Lifelong Learning at the Region of South Aegean), Mr. Teris Chatziioannou (Vice Mayor for Culture and Sports at the Muncipality of Rhodes), Prof. Aikaterini Fratzi (Vice President of the Dept. of Mediterranean Studies at the University of the Agean), Mrs. Marilena Sokianou (Board Member of EUNET), Mr Michael Kavuklis (Head of Organizing Committee and President of the House of Europe in Rhodes), HE Mrs Magdalene Thourdiou (Secretary General of RhodesMRC 2017) spoke to welcome all delegates for the 8 th conference. It was stressed throughout all speeches that Rhodes Model of Regional Cooperation has been recognized as one of the most reputable events related to international relations and international law in the region.
After the conference was officially opened some food and drinks were provided to encourage socializing. On 12 th of October finally committee sessions started. All committee venues were located in Rhodes New Town (…and some of them were –due to vague labeling on a map provided by the organizers- hard to find). Among others, sessions took place in the City Hall of Rhodes (in impressive rooms usually reserved for discussion of “real” politicans), in buildings usually reserved for the South Aegean Region, inside the Chamber of Commerce but also in Best Western Plaza Hotel in Rhodes.
Being Germans, after arriving on time (and thus waiting about 30 minutes for the Greeks to arrive, who throughout the conference preferred a more flexible approach to timing) discussions in the committees commenced. Our 17 delegates were present in the following committees: AU (African Union), BSEC (Black Sea Economic Cooperation), NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), CoE (Council of Europe), MEPEC (Middle East Peace Conference), OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) and APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation), LAS (League of Arab States).
First Opening Speeches were held and different positions were elaborated. After several hours of debating, delegates were scheduled to have lunch from 13.20-14.20h. For some committees this worked, other committees however did not get their lunch until 17.00h. Despite utterly starving delegates held bravely out and debated until the end of sessions at around 19.00h (about one hour after sessions were scheduled to end).
On 13 th of October debates resumed at 9am, leading to the drafting of the first working papers and subsequently resolutions. This time luckily lunch was served earlier than 17.00h so that delegates could throw themselves into finding allies to support their own positions. Some special twist was added through the addition of “crisis”-topics such as sudden kidnappings within states/in the UN building or sudden and unexpected conflicts arising in Turkey which needed intervention from delegates. Sessions ended again at 19.00h.
On Saturday 14 th of October all resolutions were finalized during the day and committee sessions came to an end at about 15.00h. With about an hour delay the Closing Ceremony, taking place in the Bastion of the Palace of the Grand Master, commenced at about 20.00h on the same day. Again, many speakers thanked all involved organizing Rhodes MRC. Some speeches were very emotional, including some crying and declarations of deep love to this particular conference.
Also, Awards were handed out. We as Delegation of Brunswick European Law School (BELS) were very proud of our Delegate of Ireland, Josephin Rönker, in OSEC Committee who got a special verbal thank you from her chairs. As it was Josephin’s first conference we have high hopes for her in the future.
On 15 th of October a tour to the picturesque village of Lindos was organized by RhodesMRC. As usual buses left half an hour late for the journey, however we were more than compensated for a beautiful view over the Aegean Sea. Also, most delegates climbed up the hill in order to further discover Lindos acropolis.
On 16 th of October we were finally able to pack our suitcases and also had a further opportunity to further explore Rhodes and its history. It was discovered by students why the Fallow Deer, gracing the entrance to the city’s old Mandraki harbor –each in bronze on top of a column- were the symbols of Rhodes. According to locals, apparently during ancient times Rhodes was inhabited by poisonous snakes. Desperate to get rid of them, Rhodians travelled to the Oracle of Delphi to ask for advice. The oracle thus advised to populate the island with deer which was promptly accomplished by locals. Amazingly all snakes subsequently disappeared, making Rhodians forever grateful to the deer. (Some speculations and discussions ensued within BELS delegation after hearing this tale, as we were all wondering and speculating on why this would have happened – common opinion being that deer don’t eat snakes.)
On 17 th of October we had to leave early in the morning to head back to the airport. Unfortunately and amazingly, this time the cabs ordered were five minutes early, entirely blocking the road in front of our hostel. Some Greek gesticulating, shouting and probably also cursing ensued and we hurried to enter the cars and leave. After a calm and pleasant flight we arrived back in Hamburg, looking back on an amazing and unforgettable time.
Picture of Mandraki Harbour, Rhodes, taken on 12th of November 2017. The deer and the hind on the two pillars are the symbols of Rhodes and it is also said that some time ago this is the place where once the Colossus of Rhodes was standing.
On Tuesday May 9 th, after long and intense preparations, 23 students and one faculty advisor- were finally ready to board our Vueling plane to Barcelona. After landing, we boarded the Aerobus and later the metro in order to get to Barcelona city centre where our hotels were located.
Due to Formula 1 Gran Premio de España Pirelli 2017 taking place in Barcelona on May 14 th many hotels unfortunately were fully booked and our delegation had to be divided into two different groups staying at two different hotels. One group stayed at Sant Gervasi hotel, whereas the other group retreated to Catalonia Park Puxtet hotel.
On Wednesday May 10 th, our delegation went for a long walk through Barcelona in order to get a first impression of the city. Parc de Gül, Sagrada Familia, the famous Plaza Catalunya and also market El Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria were all part of our tour. In the evening we all gathered at restaurant “La Flauta” in order to enjoy tapas together as delegation.
On Thursday May 11 th, we were finally able to register for the conference at 3pm and receive our delegates’ package including our badges. We then received news that the opening ceremony of C´MUN would take place in the Catalonian parliament and hurried in order to be able to attend in time.
On Friday May12 th, sessions finally started and delegates were able to debate and discuss. We were delighted with the exquisite venue at Cosmo Caixa Museum. In the evening, a small get together was organized themed “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” in order to network with other students and possibly build first alliances in committee.
On Saturday May 13 th, sessions resumed and first resolution proposals were introduced. In the evening individual committee dinners took place, leading then to an UN quiz later on, where contestants could test their knowledge of the UN.
At the last day of the conference, May 14 th, final efforts produced resolutions. Some committees were even able to start with their second topic and our students were, as was mentioned, “on fire”, raising their placards and wanting to speak. In the evening, a farewell dinner and party took place on the beach in Barcelona.
We arrived safely back at Hanover airport the next day, looking back on unforgettable days in this beautiful city.
After flying from Hanover
to London with British Airways our group of 16 students and one lecturer/Faculty Advisorfinally
arrived in London on the 15
th of November at Heathrow Airport.
Long weeks of anticipation and intense preparations for the conference and the field trip were finally over and we all were exited to finally start our trip.
We then travelled by tube to our first accommodation, Generator Hostel near King’s Cross. After an exhausting and long journey we were finally able to relax in the evening.
The next day we attended a previously planned guided tour of London which included Green Park, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Downing Street No 10, Westminster Abbey and also Big Ben.
Our tour guide Dale provided many important facts and figures about London and its history. For example he excellently explained the complex relationships of Henry the 8 th – Henry had 6 wives and most of them did not survive their marriage to him (“ Divorced, beheaded, died – divorced, beheaded, survived…”). After the tour most students continued to discover the city on their own, such as by for example further exploring the Tower Bridge, Camden Markets, Tate Modern or going to the theatre.
On Thursday we travelled by bus to Nottingham in order to arrive in time for the conference. We were able to check in to the Jury’s Inn and resumed unpacking our suitcases for another four days.
On Friday morning we were able to further discover our surroundings: Nottingham, former home of Robin Hood. Most students went to see Nottingham Castle where many interesting artefacts from the old ages were exhibited and displayed. After lunch we got ready to go in business attire to be on time for the opening ceremony of NottsMUN. We traveled by tram to the campus of The University of Nottingham where the conference was opened by NottsMUN Secretary General. Guest speakers were Gabrielle Riefkind, Director of the Oxford Process program at the Oxford Research Group and Giandomenico Picco, who served as Under Secretary General in the field of Conflict Resolution under Kofi Annan. Both spoke about their own experiences when negotiating for the UN in the Middle East.
After the opening ceremony, the first working sessions of the committees (SPECPOL, EC, WHO, G20, UNODC, FSC, UNHRC and several crisis committees) took place. Afterwards,a reception was organized for all delegates and it was possible to socialize and network. On the 19 th delegates were working hard all day, debating and trying to find consensus within their committees. At the end of the day an optional gala dinner at St James Hotel was provided for all delegates. While the food was excellent not everyone got what they ordered and the conference organizers subsequently tried to avert the ensuing chaos. In the end, burgers were served for delegates who did not get their individually indicated option.
Sunday morning, the last committee sessions took place in order for delegates to finally try and agree on a mutually signed resolution.
In the evening finally, NottsMUN closing ceremony took place.
On Monday morning suitcases were packed again and we traveled by bus to Birmingham airport from where we were able to safely fly back with FlyBe to Hanover. We are looking back at an intense, interesting and rewarding time.
Text: Anna-Theresia Krein
Im Rahmen des neu angebotenen Wahlpflichtfachs „Model United Nations“ machte sich
die achtzehnköpfige Delegation der Fakultät Recht (BELS) zum ersten Mal auf den Weg um vom
26.4.-1.5.2016 an der
MUN-Konferenz in der Mannheimer Business
School teilzunehmen.
Nach erfolgreich verlaufener Registrierung der Delegation begann auch bald die erste Session in denen BELS-Delegates ihre vorher recherchierten Eröffnungsreden in englischer Sprache halten durften.
Danach ging es zur Sache: In streng nach den Regeln der Vereinten Nationen durchgeführten Debatten wurden Allianzen geschmiedet, Working Papers geschrieben und Resolutionen verabschiedet. Wichtig war das jede/r Delegierte in ihrer/seiner Rolle bleiben musste um die Position seines Landes zu vertreten.
"Die Delegation BELS blickt auf vier schöne und ereignisreiche Tage zurück", freut sich Anna-Theresia Krein M.A. (Dozentin/Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Fakultät Recht), die die Studierenden nach Mannheim begleitet hat.