Beitrag von Prof. Huck zur Umsetzung der SDGs in der EU in Cambridge erschienen

  • 09.05.20 13:37
  • Ahmed Tahar Benmaghnia

In a new C-EENRG Working Paper 2020-1, Prof. Winfried Huck observes that, although the EU supports the United Nations Global Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it has failed up to now to translate the Global Agenda 2030 into a politically and legally coherent strategic format. Whether it will succeed in the future remains an open question. On the basis of systematic legal considerations, the extent to which sustainable development has so far played a role in EU trade policy is examined for the cases of EU Free Trade Agreements, relations with ASEAN, the Post-Cotonou Agreement with the ACP-States and the current relations between the EU and China.


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