Research Activities / Projects

Computer Science department's research activities / projects you can find on the webpages of our professors:

Prof. Bikker:
Embedded Systems / Electric mobility
Current: Project group leading secuRIn (2016-2021)
              ZuFOR (2016-2020)
Past:      Mobil4e (2013-2016)

Prof. Gutenschwager:
Current:  Supply Chain Simulation Tool (2017-2019)

Prof. Höppner:
Data analysis / Data Mining

Prof. Gerndt:
Current:  KoMMa.G

Prof. Jensen:
Current:  eCULT (2016-2020) Website

Prof. Justen:
Real-time simulation

Prof. Klawonn:

Prof. Kreyssig:
Current:   ZIM HolMES (2017-2020)
Past:        Moewe (2014-2017)

Prof. Müller:
Past, e.G.: ValTrac (2016-2017)

Prof. Riegler:
MINT university teaching methodology
computer aided assessments

Prof. Schiering:
IT Security and Privacy in applications as Internet of Things and Cloud Computing
Current, e.g.: secuRIn (2016-2021)
                      BMBF Smarte Inclusion (2018-2020)
Past:              Bot-Watch (2014-2017)



More project aktivities:


Some projects in detail

Data Mining

Collection of large amounts of data is often used in all areas of science, manufacturing, economics and management. People need the right data analysis techniques to extract the relevant information from the original data.


The internet provides global information, which provides a new possibility for people to gain knowledge anytime, anywhere.

Computer Aided Assessments

The VITA Project seeks to strengthen the practice component in learning through computer support.  Computer-assisted practice tasks have been used since Fall/Winter 2006/2007 at the University Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel in various course offerings in diverse departments. The current focus in in the areas of mathematics and the natural sciences, i.e., primarily in MINT subjects.


eCULT stands for "eCompetence and Utilities for Learners and Teachers". The computer department also participates in this project. From October 1, 2011, the University of Ostfalia invests about a million euros in ten years to introduce innovative educational and programming education.


RoboCup was established in 1995; 1997, the first robot World Cup competition held in Japan. The ultimate goal of the project is to 2050, the development of completely independent humanoid robots, to win the title of the human football world. This complex idea challenges all college students.


The OstfaliaCup project is developing an autonomously controlled vehicle on a 1:10 scale. The vehicle is capable of track and object recognition with the help of camera and sensors that allow for barrier and crossing recognition, as well as parking navigation. The broadly conceived project offers students from all departments work on an interdisciplinary task.